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United States of Europe


Do you think that there will be a United States of Europe with the current EU?  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think that there will be a United States of Europe with the current EU?

    • Yes, in the near future
    • Yes, but not for a while
    • Undecided
    • No, not with the current trend of things
    • No, not possible at all

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Why do loads of Americans hate communism?




1) It doesn't work. It completely ignores basic human nature. On any scale larger than a family (or maybe a small town), communism simply does not work, and never will.


2) It creates "equality" by bringing everyone but the top party officials down to the lowest possible level. Instead of a few poor people, now everyone's poor but equal.


3) It can not be put in place without destroying the old system. Whether by violent revolution or just destroying the lives of anyone with too much money, it's still wrong.

Has communism ever directly harmed or hurt you in any way?


Have Hitler or the nazis hurt you directly?


You don't need to be personally harmed by something to call it wrong and harmful.

No. America just disagrees with it, so it uses the media (FOX) to brainwash people into hating communism.


Ok, fine, it's brainwashing. There is no reason to hate communism except that the media says to. You should find it really easy to win the debate I've posted:




Many Europeans will surely resort to riot and civil disobedience to deter the US from aserting its control. (If a USE ever happens, I WILL violently protest)


B-52s + carpet bombing >>>>>>>>>>>> civil disobedience. If the US really wanted europe, we would have it.


There have been dozens of other reasons mentioned, but I can't be bothered typing them. Read the thread dangit!


Can't be bothered reading either apparently. Otherwise you would've noticed that US conquest has nothing to do with the point of this thread. But congratulations on having no sense of humor and thinking I was actually serious.

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B-52s + carpet bombing >>>>>>>>>>>> civil disobedience. If the US really wanted europe, we would have it.


That's bollocks and you know it.


No, it's truth. The military situation is just that one-sided. The only reason Europe (and the rest of the world) are independent and not glass craters is because the US doesn't want to conquer everything and kill people by the millions to get it.

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No, it's truth. The military situation is just that one-sided. The only reason Europe (and the rest of the world) are independent and not glass craters is because the US doesn't want to conquer everything and kill people by the millions to get it.



Haha, I laugh at your comment. This, my friends, is something that would make a good movie. "USA Vs. Crap world that can't do anything!"

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What naive, stupid and dangerous sentiments are being expressed here. The USA, on the verge of imploding from social problems, is desperately seeking scapegoats as justification for wars that enable the internal social problems to be kept out of minds and media. (Does this resonate with Europe in the thirties anyone?)


With the current level of paranoia in the US it is to be hoped that some vestige of civilisation will win out. I wouldn't guarantee it. What stops most of the idiocy is the knowledge that in any truly global war everyone would be eliminated. And anyone in the USA who thinks otherwise clearly has turned off their brain!

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What stops most of the idiocy is the knowledge that in any truly global war everyone would be eliminated. And anyone in the USA who thinks otherwise clearly has turned off their brain!


Completely agreed. Some Americans seem to think that they're the only country with nukes. They also seem to think that having more means they'll inevitably win. Well the UK has enough nukes to blow up the world a couple of times over, let alone the US, wouldn't be anything left if a nuclear war happened...


...but if we're talking about ground forces, I'd also laugh if American's thought they could take on Europe. They've got the most undisciplined army in the West and all their special forces (except the ones noone's scared of) train in the UK or Germany...good job.

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B-52s + carpet bombing >>>>>>>>>>>> civil disobedience. If the US really wanted europe, we would have it.
Do you really need to put so many 'greater than' symbols in that inequality?


If the US went to those measures to take over Europe they would end up with billions of dollars of losses, 1000's of dead troops, and a barren, inhospitable wasteland that was once known as Europe.


B52's + Carpet Bombing = Bye bye Europe, hello World War 3. You know, if WWIII starts soon I want America to be on the loosing side just so people like you suffer. "America pwns 'cos we say so pregnant-doges! Duuuh"


Have Hitler or the nazis hurt you directly?
No, but they have killed most members of a previous generation of my family.


Ok, fine, it's brainwashing. There is no reason to hate communism except that the media says to.
That's right! I'm a simple-minded Daily Mail reader, and a conservative! :P


Can't be bothered reading either apparently. Otherwise you would've noticed that US conquest has nothing to do with the point of this thread. But congratulations on having no sense of humor and thinking I was actually serious.
I have a sense of humour. And what are you talking about, thinking you were serious? This is your first post in this thread I've actually read.
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