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Kellogg wrong age


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So, if Kellogg was 25 or 30 or 35 while he take the baby Shaun from the Vault 111, he must be 30 or 40 while Shaun go to the institute. if Father - Shaun age is 70, then Kellogg age must 80 or 90 !!


So, why Kellogg look 45 or 50, while the main character kill him !


i thing, Bethesda writers don't think well about this.

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we legit pull institute cyborg tech out of his body and i think if nick is with you he comments something about him being almost as much machine as man we know one of them is a brain implant probably regulated hormones that are usually released as people age and break down or something (only real thing that makes sense if they can make whole synthetic humans who is to say they cant synthetically increase the time people stay in their prime for.

(Please excuse any poor grammer or punctuation during this its like 02:16 rn lol)

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Did you seriously miss the entire explanation about Kellogg having his age slowed by Institute experiments?


I mean, it's pretty much only there to help sell the idea that Shaun is still a child, but it is very explicitly explained. Even without knowing the timeline of the events in his memories.

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It's mentioned in game that Kellogg's livespan was extended using Institute tech and medical means, so yes - he doesn't look his age.


The relevant note is on Shaun's terminal.



July 16, 2285

Kellogg's occasional presence continues to unnerve the others. At first, I thought they were merely intimidated by his confidence and arrogance. Or perhaps even afraid of his general being. Kellogg is, after all, a killer. But as I've continued to witness their reactions, gauge their sidelong glances, I've detected something else, something I probably should have anticipated - jealousy.

Kellogg is a living memorial to a forgotten program. He is an augmented human being, a cyborg really, and the benefits he has received cannot be denied. But really, the scientists here could not care less about enhanced reflexes or greater combat efficiency. No, the cause of their envy is something more practical, more primal - his enhanced life expectancy.

Just how long will Kellogg live if he passes naturally (however unlikely that may be)? It's hard to say. He's already more than one hundred years old. Older, certainly, than any other human in the Commonwealth. His complete physiology has been altered. Perhaps he'll make it to 150. Maybe even 200.

Let the petty have their petty jealousies. Kellogg is a living testament to the ingenuity and superiority of the Institute. And I take no small pleasure in knowing that must irritate him to no end.

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So we talk what happen with Kellogg age, because this is a game, and everything can happen. Because at the real life, there is a millionaire, using medicine maybe and chemistry stuff to look 10 years younger. So i guess ... Institute don't know anything about it


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Clearly Father didn't know about Lorenzo Cabot. Or the Mysterious Stranger.

There are even further mysteries, such as Heather Casdin sounding exactly like Willow from the Mojave, or even stranger, Vilja of Skyrim sounding like her great great grandmother from the Imperial City of Cyrodill and there is nothing on any computer terminals explaining that.


One thing I do know for sure: Even though the Thuggysmurf mods have spared Kellogg, Heather still needs to put a laser hole in him as a matter of truth, justice, and the Commonwealth way.

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The issue isn't with Kellogg's age, it's that Bethesda literally never explored his character.

Your first mission is to hunt him down and kill him - and they literally point you to him.

I mean even to the point of "here comes Dogmeat to save the day!!!" out of literally nowhere once you'd broken into his place.

Go, go Dogmeat - lead us to the guy we need to kill in the first couple hours of the game.....


Literally, the entire rest of the game is an anti-climax.

Edited by fraquar
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The issue isn't with Kellogg's age, it's that Bethesda literally never explored his character.

Your first mission is to hunt him down and kill him - and they literally point you to him.

I mean even to the point of "here comes Dogmeat to save the day!!!" out of literally nowhere once you'd broken into his place.

Go, go Dogmeat - lead us to the guy we need to kill in the first couple hours of the game.....


Literally, the entire rest of the game is an anti-climax.

The Thuggysmurf mods greatly help with plot holes and being forced to make braindead decisions.

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