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Vortex Force Installing Unnecessary Extensions

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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So, I'm in the process of migrating to a new PC and have been working on getting vortex installed, and recently noticed something strange:


Under "Extensions" it lists "Game: Halo: The Master Chief Collection" ... I don't have that game. I have no idea why vortex installed an extension for it. I'm not even sure what this extension is supposed to do. I've tried to remove it, but every time I do vortex tells me it needs to restart for the changes to take effect, and when it does the extension comes back.


There's also an extension for Skyrim, which I do have installed but do not have Vortex set to manage yet. The two games I do have vortex set to manage are Oblivion and Fallout 4, and there's no extensions listed for them. Or at least that's what I thought until I noticed the little eyeball icon that says "Show Bundled". Clicking that revealed a wall of extensions, some for games I've never even heard of. Can anyone explain to me what's going on with these? I've tried to dig through the documentation but all I can find is posts about how to install new extensions, nothing about how to get rid of ones you don't need, what purpose they serve, or why vortex seems determined to clutter up my hard drive with them. These extensions don't seem to be causing any problems at the moment, but this behavior is a bit weird.

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Bundled extensions are the ones that the Vortex team themselves made. They are basically part of the program. The optional ones are usually made by community members.

Okay, but what are they exactly? And why show the option to remove them if you can't?

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They're just the instructions for Vortex regarding where to locate the game and where to install mods for that game. They're too tiny to bother removing. The option to remove them is probably only there to make them redownload if there is a problem with them.
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