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Vortex is deleting all my game data


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Every time i use vortex, it deletes the esm files and then I cannot play the game anymore. I have no idea what is happening but I have had to re download fallout 4 from steam 3 times now as it keeps deleting most of the files that the game needs to run. Is there anyway to prevent this from occurring or am I just doomed to not be able to use vortex?

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The code to delete the core ESM files for Fallout 4 simply doesn't exist in Vortex, so it's not the mod manager doing this.


The only possible way I can think of is if you put all the ESMs from the base game into a mod inside Vortex and then disabled it - this wouldn't delete them but it might remove them from the data folder.


You should check if they actually appear under "Plugins" in Vortex. If they do, they haven't been deleted.


I have seen a bug before where your plugins.txt file is borked which results in the default plugins somehow not loading (although that was for Skyrim). The fix for that was to go to Open -> Open Game Application Data Folder in the Mods section and delete the plugins.txt and loadorder.txt, then run a sort in the Plugin tab to regenerate the files.

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