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Downloading and file serving changes


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I strongly recommend that this post be mandatory reading for everyone here. So many of us, myself certainly included, had no idea why the DL'ing files was so hit and miss, because I didn't read these updates, so I didn't know that so much was going on in the background. I hope this is enough reminder for me to keep up-to-date with the work done for user's benefit.


As was mentioned in the thread, a popup to remind people to at least think about turning off AdBlock for this site is a great idea. So is becoming a permanent supporter, but I know many do not have the wherewithal for that. For them, turning off adblock is a small thing to ask.

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I have been silent about all the troubles with the site for a loooooong time. A much smoother site experience??? I gotta say... With all the 'upgrades' and additions you've all made, the site is as unstable as I've ever seen it.


I have contributed to the site in mods and in money. I love the site. But the tech problems are never-ending, and they seem to be getting worse. I'd say close to 50% of the time, I wait an inordinate amount of time after clicking on a link, and way too often the link fails. I don't try to block ads; I know you need money to keep doing this. But with all the money you've obviously spent, why are things not really much better??


I'm not even talking about downloads. I'm talking about just simple site navigation. I don't know of another site with this many slowdowns. It's crazy. Maybe it's time to hire another consultant. I dunno.


I don't mean to be disrespectful, but there comes a time when things just get ridiculous. Also I'm not just hating on you guys. I love what you do for us all. I truly don't want to be banned. But I gotta be honest... WTF, fellas/ladies?

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I have been silent about all the troubles with the site for a loooooong time. A much smoother site experience??? I gotta say... With all the 'upgrades' and additions you've all made, the site is as unstable as I've ever seen it.


I have contributed to the site in mods and in money. I love the site. But the tech problems are never-ending, and they seem to be getting worse. I'd say close to 50% of the time, I wait an inordinate amount of time after clicking on a link, and way too often the link fails. I don't try to block ads; I know you need money to keep doing this. But with all the money you've obviously spent, why are things not really much better??


I'm not even talking about downloads. I'm talking about just simple site navigation. I don't know of another site with this many slowdowns. It's crazy. Maybe it's time to hire another consultant. I dunno.


I don't mean to be disrespectful, but there comes a time when things just get ridiculous. Also I'm not just hating on you guys. I love what you do for us all. I truly don't want to be banned. But I gotta be honest... WTF, fellas/ladies?

I agree 100 percent, over the time I've been using the site since Fallout 3 it's progressvively been worse and all I see is updates and changes but never really doing any real improvment with stablity of the site. My service is no different than it was if not worse than when I had ad blocker on and used the site 100 percent free. You admins might take this the wrong way but it's the experiecne I've had with Nexus.

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I don't take it the wrong way, but you're simply stating what I already know and what I've already mentioned several times over the past year in my news posts. So while I respect your wish to vent your frustration, it serves absolutely no purpose what-so-ever.

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In response to post #11181561. #11199452 is also a reply to the same post.

Would that it were true. Downloaders who have installed an adblocker and who aren't Supporters are completely "free", leeching users. They provide absolutely no financial benefit to the upkeep of the sites

why not making it premium only then ? if you see them that way, btw calling free users the way you do show only that you don't care for free users, but only for members that pay money

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You seem to be putting words in my mouth. I said "Downloaders who have installed an adblocker and who aren't Supporters are completely "free", leeching users. They provide absolutely no financial benefit to the upkeep of the sites". Which is an absolutely, 100% irrefutable fact. Can you explain what upset you about this comment?

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You seem to be putting words in my mouth. I said "Downloaders who have installed an adblocker and who aren't Supporters are completely "free", leeching users. They provide absolutely no financial benefit to the upkeep of the sites". Which is an absolutely, 100% irrefutable fact. Can you explain what upset you about this comment?

calling you members free users would be fine, but calling them LEECHING users don't sound right, you are the owner you shoud show some more respect towards your members

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i always use ad-blockers, since they were created. i dont see any problem with that, mainly because there isnt any. after all its important to also think about why i do that, its because over the years lots of sites went from being "fan-based" to "businesses aimed solely on profit", the result was that pretty much every pixel available was used to bomb you with advertisings.


in other words, ive seen enough advertisements (no matter if display-ads or whatever kind) for my life. if that makes me a "leecher", i dont care. but sites that heavily rely on the income generated by this arent fanbases or there for any community, theyre simply enterprises. enterprises look for profits, and the profit that i generated for the game was transferred to bethesda when i bought the game. if the servers would run better im sure more people would invest some money here and there in the nexus. but like this?


and what about the people that should really participate in the generated income... the modders? after all their files cause the most traffic, thus generate the most income. if im leeching traffic here, than the whole site basically leeches from the work of the modders, last time i looked it up nexus didnt donate even a single dollar / euro / british pound to even the people causing thousands of downloads / clicks here. isnt that correct? that the nexus-mods page leeches from the mods that were created by our real heroes, namely the modders?

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calling you members free users would be fine, but calling them LEECHING users don't sound right, you are the owner you shoud show some more respect towards your members


The definition of leeching:


In computing and specifically Internet, a leech is one who benefits, usually deliberately, from others' information or effort but does not offer anything in return, or makes only token offerings in an attempt to avoid being called a leech. In economics, this type of behavior is called "free riding" and is associated with the free rider problem.


Can you explain why I should show more respect to these individuals?




i always use ad-blockers, since they were created. i dont see any problem with that, mainly because there isnt any. after all its important to also think about why i do that, its because over the years lots of sites went from being "fan-based" to "businesses aimed solely on profit", the result was that pretty much every pixel available was used to bomb you with advertisings.


You haven't actually explained why it's OK to do that. If you don't like what a particular site does, the way it works or what it places on the sites then the solution is to not use that site. The solution isn't to leech. The only reason why leeching is a solution is because you can do it, and you can get away with doing it. That's not a good reason to do it. It's simply a reason. To me, it goes hand-in-hand with what's called the free-rider problem. If everyone did what you did then this site would NOT exist. So why is it right, and why is there nothing wrong, with what you are doing?


Similarly to go ad-free on the Nexus, for life, on all sites, it costs £1.29 (about $2). That's the actual alternative to ads, not ad blockers.


Frankly, I much prefer the security angle for the benefit of adblockers and if you'd have approached it from that angle I'd be much more obliged to respect your point of view on the topic. Your current point of view I do not respect at all.




but sites that heavily rely on the income generated by this arent fanbases or there for any community, theyre simply enterprises. enterprises look for profits, and the profit that i generated for the game was transferred to bethesda when i bought the game. if the servers would run better im sure more people would invest some money here and there in the nexus. but like this?


Massive over-generalisations. First of all, the site heavily relies on advertising and premium membership because it costs a crazy amount of money to pay for. This is a bandwidth intensive site using 41 servers (the number goes up each month) across 3 continents and pushing 3.5GBit of bandwidth a second. If you can't understand why that costs a lot of money, and why we rely on ads and Premium Membership to pay for it, then you really shouldn't be here talking about this subject at all. I'd recommend reading my previous news posts that have gone in to great, great detail about the effect of ad blockers on the sites, why we need ads, why we need Premium membership, and why the servers are currently unreliable. I wrote over 20,000 words on the topic last year alone. You clearly haven't read them as you're here counter-acting the very things I've explained in detail.


By your concept of an enterprise and not being there for the community, the National Trust (a charity in the UK setup to maintain physical sites of historic significance who charge entry fees and advertise to pay for the upkeep of said sites) would be considered a greedy enterprise who "aren't there for the community". Frankly, the thinking is just plain daft.




and what about the people that should really participate in the generated income... the modders? after all their files cause the most traffic, thus generate the most income. if im leeching traffic here, than the whole site basically leeches from the work of the modders, last time i looked it up nexus didnt donate even a single dollar / euro / british pound to even the people causing thousands of downloads / clicks here. isnt that correct? that the nexus-mods page leeches from the mods that were created by our real heroes, namely the modders?


And in turn the mod authors (who aren't Premium Members) didn't pay a single dime towards the upkeep of the sites, or towards the 10s of thousands of hours of work I alone have put in to these sites over the past 12 years, or towards the other staff who have dedicated even more thousands of hours to the upkeep and maintenance of the sites. Some mods have used 100s of Terabytes of bandwidth alone which would run them up thousands of dollars worth of bills if they tried to self-host. That's the whole point of the Nexus. We make it easier for modders to publish their work and take on all the hosting costs and distribution work. People upload their mods to the Nexus fully aware that they are not being paid to do so. Indeed, when the topic was discussed in the mod author forums a couple of years ago there was a very clear message from a large majority of mod authors: mod authors being paid for their work would destroy the community that currently exists around modding. I agree with them. I wouldn't begrudge any mod authors who would want to be paid for their work, however. It just won't be happening on the Nexus. We use the money we get simply to buy more servers and staff.


Really, it sounds like you're trying to justify your use of adblockers by resenting the fact these sites necessarily require money in order to operate. Gone are the days when people using adblockers bothered me. But I'm still very, very much irked by people who use adblockers and think they're absolutely entitled to do it, openly discuss their right to do it, and that their actions don't have a detrimental effect on the sites they visit. They do. I understand why you do it; you do it because ads are inconvenient to your browsing experience just like ads on TV are inconvenient to your viewing of a TV show. However, if the Nexus and other independently run sites cease to exist due to a lack of funding you'd actually end up relying on the companies you seem to so despise so much. You'd have to rely on mega-corporations like Valve, who use modding as a means-to-an-end and run their service as a loss maker in order to shift more of their main product, or corporations that have taken on investors in order to fund their services and would, ergo, answer first to investors rather to their users. The alternative is what we had back in 2002-2005 with Morrowind; constantly jumping between independently run mod hosting sites that would quickly expand and then explode under the strain of traffic and the expenses required in order to operate at the higher levels of traffic they were hitting, losing hundreds of unique mods each time in the process. Frankly, I see that as a bigger inconvenience than the ads on this site.


Your use of adblockers doesn't bother me, but your arrogance and ignorance on the topic does.

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