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Religious Debates Are Banned


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Agreed, and it has been deleted. This thread is for information and not a debate on the merits of not allowing religious debates on the forum. Or a platform to try and get around the ban on religious debates. Your religious views do not matter and we don't want to hear about them.


The rule is believe what you choose, but don't discuss it on this forum. It has no business here and always ends badly.



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seems like a dishonest way to get your antireligionist digs in
I did no such thing.


The rule is believe what you choose, but don't discuss it on this forum. It has no business here and always ends badly.



My apologies my good man.


I just thought it silly that every other topic like politics, wars, drugs, sex, or things like racial issues are allowed, but not religion.


I do frequent discussion boards that specifically deal in all of the above issues, and I'll direct my views there from now on.

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  • 8 months later...

@kvnchrist - After having to jump in and ban a dozen or so people who were unable to refrain from flaming people who did not believe exactly what they did - including atheists. It was decided that a gaming forum wasn't the proper venue and religious debate only led to flaming in every case we allowed. So, as the man says,


There are many places on the net where you can debate and even rant about religion. This forum is not one of them. That is the rule. On this matter there is no debate.

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I support the ban and can only see sense in its existence in the Nexus Forums. The more I participate in forums, the more I experience them, the more I agree. Edited by Maharg67
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Agreed, and it has been deleted. This thread is for information and not a debate on the merits of not allowing religious debates on the forum. Or a platform to try and get around the ban on religious debates. Your religious views do not matter and we don't want to hear about them.


The rule is believe what you choose, but don't discuss it on this forum. It has no business here and always ends badly.




So in other words Atheists are free to talk about science and evolution and such in a non-debating-vs-Creationism way, but the reverse cannot be done, Theists cannot talk about their religion.


I find that to be unfair, although I am Atheist.


Also, what starts a "Religious debate" can also be started if any topic is about faith vs non-faith, such as aliens, mythical creatures, magic, etc.


In other words the problem is that this rule does not fully stop the debate board from debating, which seems to be the point of it, sort of like how rocks can be used to kill people so we must ban rocks.




So, lets say that the rule is changed to not be so Anti-Theist, lets say that it's made so that Theists can't post in Atheist or Non-Creation-Science threads, and visa-versa; doesn't that seem a little absurd? A debate board where opposing views are kept out? Threads are designed so that only people who agree can be in them, and yet still somehow "debate" something?



But that's not the point, point is that it's unfair towards Theists and that a lot of other topics are very highly related to this rule, yet are not covered by it.

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You've got it slightly wrong, I believe. No-one is allowed to start a debate, or express overly extreme beliefs about any type of religion. An atheist cannot argue that there is no God here, and a theist cannot argue the reverse. Any discussion that involves "There's no god" "Yes there is!" "No there's not loser", is not allowed. Discussions on the science of evolution are also disallowed, I believe (confirmation please?).
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