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Introducing RavveN:

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Personality: Friendly

Race:Wood Elf

Weapons: Steel bow and steel arrows,Silver claymore

Eye color: Blue

Hair Color: Black

Clothing: Black robe,black hood and black leather boots

History:Father,noble but unlucky...Mother,poor and ill.. Born in the wilderness,his mother died on his birth and he lived with his father. Father teached him almost everything he knew about hunting and surviving in the wild, he passed the knowledge of reading and scribing on little Ravven too for him to have better future. After some period Ravven knew how to look for himself.Father gave him some old black robe,hood and his trusty,sneaky boots...He also gave him his old bow,then he stopped for a moment and said:" Father..." He rushed into the house and got bright silver sword up to Ravven...: " You see son this is our only heirloom ...Take it,take it and may it give you more luck than me."...So he abandoned home in a search of a new life...


In the tavern enters RavveN his big blue eyes are too bright to look at 'em...He look kinda confused he never been here before in this ..."Town" or this "Tavern" he walks up to a bartender and asks:

Ravven: " Do you happend to have some water please? "

Bartender: " Hey kids aren't allowed in tavern! What are you doing here!? "

Ravven: " Oh i am dreadfully sorry but i was looking for some kind of job and i wandered of in here... "

Bartender: " Oh nevermind lad... Here...You wanted some water yeah? " *gives Ravven glass of water*...

Ravven sits on a stool and starts drinking water very slowly...

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Johnson Walker(Fallout character)




Faction:Hired Assassin

Goals:make money

Armor:stealth feild suit(stealth missions)t-51b modified power armor

Weapons:Silenced Sniper Rifle,Silenced 12.7 mm pistol, dual assassin blades, and his bare fists(Unarmed 100)


I shall not work with Legion,period. I am the last of the Assassins Guild of the middle ages. Anyone is my target if it is for money, even Mr. House.


I hope that my character is balanced seeing how he is my first person I have ever made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Introducing Hephaestus Androcus (Elder Scrolls character):

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Short-tempered but friendly

Race: Imperial

Class: Warrior, but able to perform more stealthy operations. Also trained in the basics of magic, most skillful with Destruction

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Blue

Equipment of choice: A full set of Ebony with longsword for open combat, leather with ebony dagger for stealth

Misc. info: Named Hephaestus after the Roman god of fire due to his surprising skill with fire magic for a warrior; born in Kvatch and tought to fight because his father was a mid-ranking Fighter's Guild member. He talks his way out of unnecessary combat most of the time, although has no qualms about drawing sword or conjuring flame when required.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Introducing Holofernes

Holofernes is not evil as such, though he is certainly not incredibly friendly. He is loyal and protective of his friends, but dangerous if someone gets on the wrong side of him. He considers most to be far beneath him, but that's not to say the right band of adventurers could peak his interest.

Name: Holofernes

Gender: Male

Race: Probably imperial

Age: He appears really rather youthful, perhaps early 20's

Peronsality: Quiet, refined but moody

Preferred fighting style: Magical (ranged) though he does have a long, elegant sword, which he is adept with fighting with

Appearance: He stands just under 6 foot, and is unpleasantly thin, with long elegant fingers. He is wearing a floor length black silk robe which contrasts his unfathomably pale, alabaster skin. He is completely bald, with an angular, defined face, high cheekbones and scowls to himself. his eyebrows are drawn on with a black euchre, and are thin, arched and angled. he wears a corset made from tessellating sheets ebony plate mail belted over the robe across his stomach, stopping before his chest. His neck is held by a brace made of the same plate, and elongates his appearance to look like a curious stooping brid.


He stands in the corner of the tavern by himself, idly inspecting his nails (which are long and painted black) and is ignoring the odd glances he is receiving from the drunken clients of the tavern. He is slightly imposing, but not unapproachable, he has a softness in his dark eyes that indicates a deep sorrow and loss, though this is only apparent to anybody that talks to him for a long time. An old drunk is sat near him, and is eyeing him concernedly, shuffling closer, so as to get a better look, but looking away when Holofernes glances at him. At one point Holofernes catches his gaze for a split second, and the man stops moving completely, Holofernes however simply looks back down to his nails with a discontented sniff.

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Introducing ACACE:


Pronounced: A C ACE

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Race: Human/Nord



Weapons of Preference:

Melee: Two-Handed Glass Claymore

Ranged: Glass Bow



History: left to fight for himself after last known family Member dies in attack by a Blackwood Company member after carrying out a misread contract. Having killed the Blackwood member at the age of 14. Has taken the armor in an attempt to find and kill the founding members in order to pay for the innocent blood that was spilt by their hands


Apperence: Worn blood stained Blackwood company Armor with a battle worn Castle Seaview Helmut


Fighting Tactics: An expert in Bladed weapons. ACACE uses medium paced paced attacks to overwhelm an opponents defence causeing them to stagger back in fear.Also an expert in Ranged combat capable of taking down most creatures with a single arrow


Attitude: quietly spoken does not say much when spoken to. Observant in his surroundings. Carefuly studying each detail like the pages of a tiwst fulled novel.


Walks like useen shadow that passes just briefly infront of a churchs main window. takes a seat in a dark abyss-like corner. Just watching,Just waiting. When time comes he knows what he must do......

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  • 3 weeks later...

introducing: Selene


age:appears to be in mid twenties but is over 2000



class:fallen world bender

weapon of choice:two bladed war fans of considerable size and magic

history:to be revealed

appearance: very beautiful wearing perfect makeup, long silky hair, outfit varies.

fighting techniques:very deadly fighter in all melee weapons, master at throwing knives and relies on stealth to remain hidden for weeks while stalking her prey. and she has superhuman speed enough to catch an arrow in full flight with her eyes closed she has mastered world bending.

attitude:seductive,manipulative and sarcastic, she is very arrogant and knows that she is incredibly beautiful and deadly.

notes:very unpredictable, can be trusted by only a select few, she protect's those she cares for with her lives

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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  • 2 months later...

introducing: Kristoph

Name: Kristoph

Pronounced: Chris-ta-f

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Race: Dark Elf

Class: Agent/Trader

Weapon of Choice: Normally an enchanted Ebony bow, crafted with the finest Ebony available, but if you get hit with it, you're soul is in his hands by a soul trap, along with poisoned arrows for effect. In melee, a glass dagger is always at his thigh, making sure he has the best effect on targets.


Background: Raised among theives and crime, he was forced to adapt to his surroundings. He found peace un reading, but if he's not reading, he's out making deals as a sellsword or making sure that nobles wouldn't give him trouble. Despite chances to join plenty of murder groups, he prefers to work in groups of other hirelings.


Fighting Tactics: Overlooking the battlefield and getitng to know you're surroundings is perfect for someone to set up easy ambushes and traps, thus he responds by being gifted in this tactic. Remaining among the trees and shadows to poison and strike targets is another gifted talent of his. Fear is not something he takes lightly, in fact, fear is his best fighting encouragment. It boosts his mind to get him out of a situation.


Personality: Richer than any noble out there, he perfers to spend his time making deals with his money and purchasing deadly weapons. He searches for anyone who needs a sellsword, and is willing to carry out jobs, if you pay right. Growing up in a harsh world made him quiet, making sure he doesn't spill info. He easily gets along with others, as other sellswords go with him for jobs. Though people take him for murder, he only carries out jobs when they have a point to them, not just careless crimes. He's been charged with a lot of crimes, but contacts in the Thieve's guild keeps that off his back. His hatred also extrends toward High Elves for obvious and hidden reasons.


Appearence: Perfers to wear armoured robes for easy movement, and uses cloaks to keep himself hidden. Despite that, his face still has that rich look, almost as if he was raised by nobles. His shady look however is hidden in public, as he looks like a simple sellsword. A belt holds a copy of a paladin's bible, as although he is what he is, he is also extremly religious. His hair remains short and with black texturing to keep the wind from blowing his hair into his face.




I've RPed in other things before, but this is my first time of Nexus. My char is focussed of TES. :)

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Name: Rojin Sca'tor

Pronounced: Roh- jin- Sca- tore

Age: 127

Sex: Male

Race: Dark elf

Equipment: A longbow and Iron arrows, A steel sword and a Fine elven dagger. He has bandit leather armor on

What he does: Patrols the forests for intruders and monsters. He is a ranger that has started the order of the white arrow, a group of expert marksman who do good deeds and enforce the law out of cities

Appearance- He has long, mangy white hair. He walks with posture and is very balanced. He has a longbow and many arrows strapped to his back, and a steel Sword and elven dagger strapped to opposite sides of his waist.

Alignment- He generaly does good deeds, and he sides with the stormcloaks in the war, but he does not show it openly.

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