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I am a major geek...

For instance - I understand the rules of basic calculus, choas theory and relativity. I can program in C++, C, Java and Pascal. Im flueint in Greek, latin, english and french, and I can calculate the value of Pi to 60 decimal places, using the arctangent infinite series.

Im looking for fellow geeks or boffins, please post because most people think I am odd. I am 12.

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You might be a genius, but your social skills would appear to be underdeveloped :)


And your signature is exceeding the size limit - please attend to it forthwith.



Edit: You might want to get your money back from whoever taught you your German:

I can also speak in German:


Ich bin eben gehend nach ausführen ein beladen über Schutt und übersehen falls irgend jemand könnt verstehen. Ich bin zwei Jahre alt. Warten , Bin Ich? ICH könnt nicht sich erinnern. Wohlauf ICH ausführen nicht Besorgung falls irgend jemand sieht dieses weil null Hauptteil Wille verstehen und wenn auch Sie ausführen Sie Brei sein sehr Klöber. Gefällt mich! aber ICH muß nicht stehen Sachen auf diese Weise weil Das heißt aufgerufen weisend weg. Es ist nicht artig.


This so-called German is a pile of gibberish that makes no sense whatever.

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This so-called German is a pile of gibberish that makes no sense whatever.


Where's our resident German consultant? Or has he already been consulted!? :D


Agreed, that sig needs to go. Similarly anyone could get Pi to any number off the internet, as could anyone claim that they know C++, Pascal, etc, etc.


I know HTML, PHP, MySQL and CSS but I wouldn't attribute that to me being a geek.

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Where's our resident German consultant? Or has he already been consulted!?


Leider sein deutsches Facharzt heute verhindernd, bitte sich morgen wieder wenden an wir!

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Very well...I shall explain the basics of chaos theory (what does it take to convince you guys?)


Chaos theory is derived from quantum physics, which is the branch of science dealing with particles and sub-atomic matter. Quantum uncertainty is an idea which has it’s roots in the famous “Quantum leap”, which is when one electron “leaps” from one shell to another. Chaotic things are often said to be “sensitive to initial conditions”. This means that a tiny change in the behaviour of something can make a huge change in the future. For example, if a rain drop fell on a particular spot on a mountain, it would run into a river. However, if the same rain drop fell in a place 5mm from that place, it may end up in a totally different river, which may be miles away from the first. The river in which a rain drop ends up in is sensitive to initial conditions.

Another thing to consider is linearity. Some thing that is linear means that, in a sequence, each number has some logical relationship to the proceeding one. Walking is linear because, if you walk 1m each step, after 2 steps you have walked 2m, after 3, 3m, and so on. The trouble with chaos theory is that it is non-linear.

At the heart of Chaotics is some thing called an “attractor”. An attractor is something which attracts a certain pattern of behaviour. Thus you could say that a football match is an attractor for a lot of people. Chaos theory has such strong attractors, they say that something MUST happen. However, what’s really remarkable is that chaos theory skips through all of these attractors (called strange attractors) in A NON-LINEAR sequence. If you try and graph that sequence, you end up with something called a fractal.


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1) Your point with this explanation? Anyone can google a short summary of chaos theory and "understand" it in basic terms. Just like they can do for pretty much any concept.


2) As for your "german" in your signiature....


Peregrine:could you translate "Ich bin eben gehend nach ausführen ein beladen über Schutt und übersehen falls irgend jemand könnt verstehen. Ich bin zwei Jahre alt. Warten , Bin Ich? ICH könnt nicht sich erinnern. Wohlauf ICH ausführen nicht Besorgung falls irgend jemand sieht dieses weil null Hauptteil Wille verstehen und wenn auch Sie ausführen Sie Brei sein sehr Klöber. Gefällt mich! aber ICH muß nicht stehen Sachen auf diese Weise weil Das heißt aufgerufen weisend weg. Es ist nicht artig." into english for me?

Admiral Parke: what's he talking about?

Friend who's taken years of college-leve German: Not German. It's bullshit.

Friend who's taken years of college-leve German: It's done with a translator, in all likelihood.




Nice try, fraud. Maybe you should've tried a more believable lie.

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It is really hard to believe someone like that over the internet... hell, I could probably find where you got that summary of the chaos theory... using a search engine doesn't make you a genius... it makes you fraud...


Besides all of that... I wouldn't so much say I'm a geek... I know how to use HTML, PHP, MySQL, and Flash... but I wouldn't say I'm a geek

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I didn't realise the French had a word 'myself'? I thought they got very upset about using English words when the French equivalent, moi-même if I remember correctly, is usable.


I certainly agree that you are strange Rune 3. Perhaps 2 years old IS closer than 12?


As a matter of interest precisely what is the difference between an 'intellectual', a 'geek' and a 'nerd'?

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