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Destiny of Middle-Earth mod


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I know many people try to make a middle-earth mod

I disided to make the mod when i heard the ME mod was cancelled



Characters: 1%

Monsters: 2%

Scripting: 1%

Landscape: 10%

Diolgue: 1%





Shire: 20%

Rohan: 0%

Isengard: 10%

Mordor: 0%

Gondor: 0%

Breeland: 30%

Lothlorien: 0%

Haradwraith: 0%

Rhun: 0%

Mirkwood: 0%

Lindon: 0%

Ereidor: 0%

And Uncharted Eastern Land: 0%

Any other places i forgot the Name: 0%







Frodo: Complete

Sam: Complete

Merry: Complete

Pippin: Complete

Aragorn: Incomplete

Gandalf: Incomplete

Theoden: Incomplete

Eowen: Incomplete

Eomer: Incomplete

Arwen: Incomplete

Elrond: Incomplete

Gimli: Incomplete

Bormir: Incomplete

Farmir: Incomplete

Legolas: Incomplete

Treebeard: Incomplete

Others: Incomplete




Gollum/Smeagol: Incomplete

Witchking: Incomplete

Sauron: Complete

Sauruman: Complete

Lurtz: Complete

Gothmog: Complete

Balrog of Morgoth: Complete

Others?: So far i think this is all the Villians




Denethor: Incomplete

Rosey: Complete

Tom Bombidil: Complete

Baline: Complete

The Bree Gate Keeper guy: Complete

The Oathbreaker King: Incomplete

Bilbo: Complete



My Custom Characters





More Comming Soon






Saurians: Dinosaur Like People

Dragonians: Dragon Like People

Felino Sapiens: Cat People

Canino Sapiens: Dog People

Balrog: Choatic Evil AKA Pure Evil



Orcs: Corrupted Elves

Uruk: High Breed of Orcs

Trolls: Strong Monsterous Relative of the Orcs

Goblins: A Cave Dwelling Orc


HUMANS: Varies

Oathbreakers: Choatic Good Only- Ghoast of Men that were Trators And Murders

Haradrim: Choatic or Neutral- A Turkish-like People

Easterlings: Choatic- An Arabic-Like People

Easternesse: A Japanesse-Like People

Gondorians: Humans of Gondor

Rohirrims: Humans of Rohan

Bree-Men: Humans of Bree-land

Numeanorians: Humans of Numeanor

Dark Numeanorians: Evil only

Nazgullians: A Nazgul Like Race


Ents: Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral, Neutral Evil, Choatic Neutral, and Choatic Evil


ELVES: Usally Lawful or Neutral






DWARVES: Choatic Good

Mountain Dwarves

Hill Dwarves

GNOMES: Neutral Good

HOBBITS: Lawful Good










When its coming Out?

If i Get on the Ballgame and stop Daydreaming and Care fully Plan this out I'll try to Get it complete as soon as Possible



Hows the Storyline goes with the MOd:

Some of the Races i Add in won't be part of the Story line

My Custom Races Will have a part in the Story in my ME Exspansion





I need some Moddlers

For the Giant Eagles, Fel Beast, Moria Orcs(GOblins), Orcs, Uruk-Hai, CaVE, mOUNTIAN, AND fORSET Trolls, oLIPHANT, A better Balrog Race (the one i have looks like an Orc from Morrowind) i also needs Armor and Weapons

I need Uruk Armor

Sauruman's Staff

Rohirrim armor

Theoden's Sword and Armor

Nazgul Robes

Nazgul Armor

Wicth Kings's Helm

Witch King's Fell Beast


Elvish Canoes

Easterling Armor

Trollish Armor

Siege Towers


Decapitated Gondorian Heads

Gondorian Armor

White Tree


THe Witch King's Frail

The Witch King's Sword's Blade on Fire

Nazgul Screech




If you could Moddel and Texture all this then my work is to finish the Scripts and the Mod to Completion =D ;) :) :D

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You guys doesnt seem to understand why the Memod was cancelled! It was cancelled due to legal issues. The mod broke several copyright laws.


The mod was incredible, I waited for it for over one year.


I think a member of the memod team should post a replay here and explain some things, I dont fell like the right person to do it.


I love the idea of making another memod, but seriously it will not come near the quality of the real memod if you dont work on this for more than 2 years and have a really good team. Plus Oblivion is close to release so...


But I really love your enthusiasm :)

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This stuff has about as much to do with MEMod as a plastic gollum toy such as you might find in promotional boxes of cereal.... ie absolutely nothing.



I'm not quite sure what this is meant to be.... but it's not Middle-earth as we know it.



Or as Tolkien knew it.

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Well unlike the other ME mod

they had it were you have to go along the story line

THe Main Mission is Optinal


You could do every thing on the Movie


Do the Exact Opposite

Also theres Quest not even related to The movie

and i have my custom characters



so you can do the Quest or just sit around and have your own life on middle earth

Meaning a your own House, famliy, job, and if your lucky enough you might be come King or Queen, Lord or Lady.


To add more of a challenge you have to Eat, Drink, Sleep, Bath, and Well go to the Lavabo or John (AKA the TOLITE)


And I have my own Alignment System for this mod

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Here's a hint: look at a map of Middle Earth sometime. Now compare it to a map of Morrowind. You see the size difference? It took a team of professionals years to make Morrowind, a much smaller world. MEMod, with the best of the modding community, did a huge amount of work over almost three years and still didn't come anywhere near finishing. You are one person with an over-ambitious list of goals, that simply aren't going to happen.


Have you even taken a realistic look at the amount of work involved in this dream of yours? There's no way you're going to do it yourself. And there's no way this half-thought-out "plan" of yours is going to convince anyone to join you. Especially not after seeing MEMod get shut down.


In short form, you are doomed to failure.

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I know

i just want to give it a shot

i'll Work on it Day and night to get it complete

all though its not gonna be perfect

to tell you the truth this is going to be my first complexed mod


but how do you think of what im trying to make without all the copy right laws and all the other stuff if my mod was full complete what would you think?

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you've never read LOTR, have you?

Or any other works by Tolkien?


here's a suggestion., Save the effort. create your own fantasy world, cos, well, 75% of that stuff has nothing to do with JRRT's work. Save up, and go play Middle-Earth online. it'll suit you perfectly.


trust me.


Where can I begin? great aspiration, but, honsetly, this is absolutely irrelevant to the actual concept of a middle-earth set mod - quite aside from the *vast* amount of content you would need - take a look at some of the posts I've made listing the amounts of content and you'll begin to realise some of what you're looking at.


Likewise, with the content you're writing about you might as well add dragons with laser-cannons and players being bob the wizard shooting fireballs through the mines of moria . I mean, playable Balrogs? there were seven of them. ever. And Gothmog was killed in the first age by Glorfindel, and all bar that of Moria were eliminted in the sinking of beleriand, yet you seem to have a horrendous mish-mash of all the ages and eras (and you're looking at well over 10,000 years of history) mashed together.

set your date. stick to it. focus on a single area. you might just have a hope of completing half of it that way.



you're either in ghastly need of learning what the content of the books was, or, really, aim for something different, create your own game, use D&D (dragonlance seems closer to what you're writing there than Middle Earth), and you'll save a whole host of hassles. I mean, let's see....


Saurians: Dinosaur Like People

Dragonians: Dragon Like People

Felino Sapiens: Cat People

Canino Sapiens: Dog People

Balrog: Choatic Evil AKA Pure Evil


I beleive the expression, "are you smoking crack from babies' arses?" springs to mind for all of those, for they are, I can say with the certainty of having studied every single peice of literature created by Tolkien to the point where I can virtually quote from memory, completely your own creations. they have no relevance to Middle-Earth at all.


Oathbreakers: Choatic Good Only- Ghoast of Men that were Trators And Murders

Easternesse: A Japanesse-Like People

Dark Numeanorians: Evil only

Nazgullians: A Nazgul Like Race


are, likewise, the most tenuous of links to his literature at all.



If you want lizard/dragon-men, cat-like creatures, etc, copy Dragonlance.

you'll probably enjoy it more too.


Honestly. reading what you've said there makes my toes curl in fear of what's going on.



Feel free to contact me if you want to know the realities of what you're planning.




Last lead for MeMod

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A plugin that added playable Gandalf or Nazgul would be small enough for you to achieve and greatly appreciated across the whole Morrowind modding community. Try and find something small that hasn't been done yet rather than take on something the size of Middle-Earth.
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