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Better Benirus Manor Animation Bug


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So I've installed a mod called Better Benirus Manor but it has one glitch that I cannot fix.

When Velvyn Benirus comes to the sealed portal door his animation doesn't work as he needs to inspect the portal with his hands then open it.

He is frozen and just standing doing nothing.

In TES Construction Set, everything seems to be working as it was in original but when I play the mod the animation isn't playing.

Does anyone know how to fix the issue?

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I didn't touch the timescale or anything.

It is not the vanilla game bug since I tried to disable the mod and it worked perfectly.

The animation doesn't play with this mod, something is amiss.

Here are the screenshots,

With Better Benirus Manor Mod, he just stands doing nothing.


Without the mod, vanilla, everything works perfectly


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Then I would suggest the setstage and TCL solution suggested on that UESP Wiki page. One caveat before doing the setstage MS02 90 command ... I would suggest getstage MS02 first to see what stage is reported (you can find the listing of quest stages at the bottom of that Wiki page).

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Just posted this on the mod page:

The problem is that there is an Idle Animation that needs to be updated.

SearchWall (the idle anim) needs to be updated to use the new door for this mod. 

For the GetIsUsedItem, Change BenirusDoor01 "Sealed Portal"
To: KhetBBMBenirusDoor01 "Sealed Portal"

I just tested this and it works for me.

Edited by GamerRick
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Well, this is turning into a MAJOR downer for me.  I contacted the MA twice now and she is reading and just ignoring my PMs.  

I haven't had a bad experience with another MA like this in years.  I just refuse to deal with such people and their mods.

Maybe she has a valid excuse for not responding and she'll get back to me some day.  My experiences with such mod authors has never turned out positively though in the 12 years I have been modding the Bethesda games Oblivion, Skyrim, FO3, and FNV.  I have learned that I have no choice but to accept this and move on.


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I suggest just releasing a patch that fixes the issue. Your animation will replace the original. If she decides to return, she can merge your patch into the plugin. You can use the CSE to create the patch quite easily.

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I can't.  I can't presume what Khettienna is thinking here.  To me it is as overtly hostile to ignore my PMs as it would be to for her to cuss me out for it, given the number of times I have reported bugs to MAs who became hostile as a result.

I guess you never had that happen to you.  It has happened to me at least 5 different times over the years.  The worst was 11 years ago when I took on the entire OOO team.  Thanks to WalkerInShadows (who took the mod over after them) those bugs are fixed now.

Some MAs are great to work with, but way too many are offended when people try to help them.

Edited by GamerRick
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