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On 1/13/2024 at 3:52 PM, RitualBlack said:

I purchased lifetime in 2011 just to show support. At the time internet in my area was so slow 'tesnexus' servers were not the bottleneck to downloads and I ad-blocked anyways so there was little change after going premium for myself 🤣

That was actually why I didn't get Premium sooner. When I lived with my parents they had awful internet (~1.5MB/s max) and somehow my brother's PC always got the lion's share of the bandwidth so I could barely download stuff as a free user. Once I moved out I got fibreoptic and haven't looked back - even if they fibre providers keep hiking their prices. 

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I've had it since waaaaaay back. Can't remember when i bought it actually. Just seemed like a smart move + give support for this awesome site of course. 


I joined 2004, it was probably called something else then. Before this we had Planet-something which most people used for mods. like in the 2000 and earlier. I only remember it had a green logo (of a planet i think) heh.

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Guest deleted121642633

I have a lifetime membership.  Must have been within months of them removing the option but happy to have it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have one and i had lots of fun. But im considering to delete my account here. Nexusmods have become to politic for me. They censor modders but keep theyr hard work. You have to comply with the woke bullshit or you cant upload mods anymore.

They are more intresstet to please the alphabet people than theyr paying costumers. Good thing is that Steam workshops are getting better and better over time, so this site will be obsolete one day.

  • Haha 2
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On 1/6/2024 at 7:42 AM, zixi said:

I bought it several years ago now. I'd been diagnosed with cancer and I'd been on Nexus for a while and I thought I'd like to support it a bit. I wasn't expecting to have lasted this long so actually I got a much better deal than I thought I might get at the time...  

So far, so good! 😛


Other reason: Can't stand adverts! No, really, really can't stand them... no more than that... and that... and that...



I went through cancer myself around that time.  I also beat it.  Congratulations.  I don't have a membership and I don't subscribe at all anymore once the place started behaving far-left and calling everybody far right who doesn't want to be forced to look at rainbows in their own game they paid for with their own money.  That was a bit much.  Cool site but really weird politics in something meant to make games into more what an individual would like.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

When they brought donation points to the site I decided I was going to save up for the lifetime membership and was actually just a few days away from getting enough DP to buy it when they decided to cancel that option. I think it took me almost 1 1/2 or maybe even 2 years to save that much and I ended up reaching out and asking whether they could keep it for mod authors in the shop which they allowed. Im still very grateful for that.  

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