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Admin Rights

Go to solution Solved by RufusVtuber,

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I am having an issue where the Vortex Mod Manager Version 1.9.12 has detected that it is using Administrator Permissions. image.png.fbf4ca3747496b64d567d1b21512b53e.png

I have attempted a few solutions from online sources as well, including checking the User Account Control Settings, and checking Vortex.exe Security Properties and turning off full control. image.png.6f53adacd29f7e196c254162cf4b5370.pngimage.png.4eab99cd83fc6e13bb70356a3c354a02.png

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Vortex multiple times. image.png.fbf4ca3747496b64d567d1b21512b53e.png

Any help regarding this issue would be very much appreciated! I'm at my wits end! 


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Started fresh this morning. I uninstalled then reinstalled Vortex before I started.

I went to the Black Tree Gaming Ltd folder and changed the Security Properties, turning off full control and special permissions. A reboot after making the changes to folder have not stopped Vortex detecting that it is running with Administrator Permissions. 

I thought that maybe it was an UAC issue after all so currently I am investigating that idea because I realized it's been a while since I've seen a prompt to allow a program to make changes.

Any help regarding the problem is very welcome! 

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I had the Installer pick the route since I wasn't sure the proper place to install it.

I did last year, after I was having issues with a modlist I turned on the always run as administrator, but turned it off after it didn't fix anything.

The only anti-virus I use is windows defender and maybe CCleaner(?) but I only installed that because I was told by a friend to install it.... I don't know what it does. 

I went ahead and brought UAC down a notch. 

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If you ever run Vortex as admin, it can force it to run as admin whenever it opens. This is because you flag the files Vortex needs as "admin owned" so it needs to be an admin to access them.


Your only full recourse might be to delete/rename the Vortex folder at %appdata%\Vortex as this folder likely needs admin permission to access. Deleting or renaming it will mean Vortex will re-create it again on next startup but the application will be fully reset. 

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