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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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14 minutes ago, SandGentleman said:

HollownessDevoured, I have to say I really like that version of the redesign you made. It does look similar to what we have now, but what we have now is very functional - if not a little aesthetically dry. The new design seems... very aesthetically pleasing but has very little in the way of functionality.

Well, I assume but I could be wrong, we might be able to upload a banner eventually too, hence why I left banner area still available.

It does seem like the beta was going for looking cool instead of functionality and I do like a little of aesthetics, but I need functionally more since I am constantly on my mod pages/articles and when we had profiles: my profile. To update those details for hours with poor function, less than ideal UI and and too much extra space would/will make that painful for me. 

edit: but I prefer classic

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I like the layout a lot more as opposed to the old, but the font for the Profile Name needs to be smaller, or you need to make more room for it. Names that have to finish on the next line are off-putting aesthetically speaking. 

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7 minutes ago, TheUntoldLegacy said:

the font for the Profile Name needs to be smaller, or you need to make more room for it. Names that have to finish on the next line are off-putting aesthetically speaking. 

Be sure to mention this for the new forum feedback thread too, I so far have been one of the few to voice about this X /

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21 minutes ago, TheUntoldLegacy said:

I like the layout a lot more as opposed to the old, but the font for the Profile Name needs to be smaller, or you need to make more room for it. Names that have to finish on the next line are off-putting aesthetically speaking. 

For me is just the name getting cut off and maybe the mod card rows, I'm already getting used to the new design so.

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I'm just trying the beta version and the first thing that called my attention is that everything look blurry. Not only the mod author avatar pic, but also all the text. The classic version has smaller text size but the text is much sharper and easier on the eyes. This feels like when I zoom a low resolution picture beyond the ideal size.

I don't know how it may look now on a standard monitor but since I have an ultrawide monitor, the new layout makes me feel like I'm eating alone at a table for 12 people or that I'm having a tunnel vision episode. From 5 to 3 mods doesn't seem like an improvement, and it will be a chore when checking an author's page who has 100+ mods.

I may not like that size of the author column but I def like the new feature all together (track, kudos, massage).

I will assume that the random game selection for a given author's mods will be fixed when fully implemented. So far, it doesn't make any sense. I tried a few different pages and the only way to see the mod list is clicking on "all games". I also hope that Skyrim LE won't be merged with Skyrim SE/AE. So far, it just says "Skyrim".

The "YOU'VE REACHED THE END OF THE MODS" at the bottom of the page feels redundant, unless there is a special type of people that keep scrolling until someone tells them to stop.

Edit: Please turn off the "Activity Feature" or al least make it toggleable. It feels like an invasion  of privacy.


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I liked the old, and I also like the new (both have pros and cons), so I'm good with a change. Simple color scheme, modern look. Works for me. But I do take issue with multiple details, so I figured I'd share my feedback. This is what I immediately noticed and my personal impressions/opinions.

  • Larger mod cards are fine, but it feels like they're designed for mods with a specific length of characters (far shorter than what we're allowed to use) in the name and summary and don't account for ones that aren't so concise. It looks a bit awkward.
  • Strangely low-res profile pic
  • Media photo rows are larger and shorter, but the photos are blurry - doesn't look good. If you're going to increase the size, then the resolution should follow.
  • I don't think the default for media should be "Most viewed". Something posted 5 years ago might have more views. "Recently added" makes more sense, especially for users who post photos (or videos) regularly.
  • The mod file size isn't showing up for me, but I assume this will be fixed.
  • Unlike in classic, on the new mod cards, unusually long mod names are completely cut off and unreadable. Though I think most mods have names that will fit fine, for those extra-long ones that don't, this isn't user-friendly. Perhaps a font that isn't so spaced out or smaller would help with that.
  • For longer "About this mod" summaries, the mod description is cut off far too soon. Personally, in a visual sense, I don't find it aesthetically pleasing, and it also doesn't seem user-friendly. Anything longer than one or two short sentences would now require a user to click on the mod page to finish it instead of doing a quick read to see if it's something they're truly interested in. When I go to a mod author's page directly to check out all their mods, I want to be able to quickly scan through them. Not have to open up multiple tabs or click on every one, especially if they have pages of mods. In the classic look, descriptions can still be cut off, but you see much more of it (and even all of it) unless the author used every available character.
  • I have a mod I created with another mod author, but since the card only shows who uploaded it now (me), their name is no longer shown, just mine. Not fair to them or any other authors who have collaborated but not been the uploader. Like in classic, credit should be given on the mod card on the uploaders page, too, and not require you to view the mod page.
  • Privacy concerns - I always have my activity feature turned off - now it's not only front and center under "About Me",  but the font style looks unnecessarily large. I see that it's still in development (and I'm guessing we'll be able to turn it off still), so what we're seeing is simply an example and not the end product, but I will say that I never understood the point of this feature to begin with; it feels invasive and unnecessary. Why do my site movements need to be listed in detail on my profile for everyone to see? That's just my opinion though, perhaps I'm one of the few who doesn't like it, I don't know.
  • And okay, maybe I'm being really picky about this particular thing, but I feel (and I know I'm not alone in this way of thinking) that there is a difference in the perception of time when phrasing dates - "back in 2003" vs. "so, over 20 years ago..."  So, the uploaded and last updated now reading as "18 hours ago" or "2 years ago" is odd to me. Plus, it took me accidentally hovering over those numbers to realize how to see the exact date. Feels tedious. As an author and user, I prefer to just see the exact date. Why add that extra hover aspect? 

On a positive note, it's nice that my own mods are no longer showing me that I downloaded them or that an update is available (hopefully that's an intended feature). And I like seeing the total number of unique downloads I have. Just something fun to know personally.


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