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I thought I'd show a sample of why I think we have avatars on mods, I think it is for game pages and searches to look like this. But while gathering some samples I noticed sizing and spacing inconsistencies.

This should be addressed: image should scale so no empty space, no rando gaps between file name and category, and no height differences.multiple author sample.jpg

Edited by HollownessDevoured
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I don't think I'll ever understand why does Nexus staff feel the need to break a good thing, and when people finally manage to get used to it, break it again.

It feels as if updates are being pushed out for updates' sake, without actually improving anything. This whole obsession with looking as modern as possible is doing nothing but harming the site's usability and alienating existing users.

A few years ago, when I complained about the new UI update, I was told I should've spoken out sooner (despite me having absolutely no way of knowing about it). This time, I do know, and I am speaking out: for the sake of all that's good and holy, don't fix what isn't broken. By all means, implement the improvements, but leave the UI alone. 

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At least they keep the trend of turning things uglier and less functional with every update.

Gotta respect the commitment.

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