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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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Personally, I like most of the new design. In particular, I like the button design on the media tab for switching between types.

I do agree with the suggestions I saw that 'most recent' should be the default. It feels particularly egregious on the media tab to default to 'most viewed.' And an option to sort by recently updated would be lovely to see on the mod tab.

Right now the scrolling is inconsistent. Some profiles I can only scroll 25-50 mods/images before a 'see more...' button pops up. Other times I can see a mod author's entire collection without seeing that button. (regardless of how many tabs I have open on my browser). When a creator has hundreds of mods/images, it makes it frustrating to scroll through them all. Multi-page options feel much more user friendly. 

I'm looking forward to seeing the game sort option fully implemented.


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First thing I noticed was mods not sorting by the last update, I like sorting this way because I've found helpful when looking for mods to try that are compatible with current community trends. Fallout, Skyrim, and the like.

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Like Faisal619 said, no empty spaces at the sides please, if its for ads remove those spaces for Premium users. I want a ton of information on my screen, I dont want to scroll three times for 5 mods, rescaling the site in the browser didnt changed the thumbnails layout 😮‍💨


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I prefer 5 or 6 thumbnails per row over the 3 thumbnails you are testing.

And I really need the "last updated" sort, sorting by "date added" skips the mod updates.

I often go to a user profile to make sure that I have their most recent updates, and sorting by any of the three default sort orders is not helping.

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This profile update looks bad, has UX issues and removes useful functionality. I will be returning to the classic profile once I've written this.

There is huge empty space at the top of the page, wasting about 3 inches of vertical space. Bad design.

The area with the user's logo is far larger than required and wastes most of that horizontal strip of screen space. It also appears to have 3 tabs but they are not tabs and do nothing, confusing users. Between the empty strip and the logo strip you are wasting approx half of the vertical space of my screen on nothing. Poor design and UX.

The list of published mods no longer shows which mods you have downloaded and which require updates. This is a major loss of functionality and a downgrade over the previous profile UX.

Fonts have been needlessly increased in size causing mod titles to truncate and descriptions to be short. Again a downgrade in UX functionality.


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Please nexusmods make the new layout adaptive and include all the information you already have with the current layout. with all the sorting options etc. allow for dark, and white (wiki) theme and some others ...

if possible let the mod description unload once the user hovers over the mod page like we have it on a wikipedia for example were people can have a quick view to the site when hovering over the link.

its super handy to quick view mods.

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What I want:
Open site -> move eyes -> click -> enjoy content

What I dont want:
Open site  -> scroll -> scroll -> scroll -> scroll -> content

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In general, I really like the new look of the layout.

I pretty much agree with people asking to use more space, probably a balance can be found. Having content from extreme left to right can be too heavy as well
Having several pages for media or mods is better than scrolling infinitely as it's been mentioned. And I prefer the media tab before the collections, but that's more personal.

Most downloaded for mods and most viewed for media sorted as default isn't really good, sorted by date is better in general

Looking forward to what you do 👍


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Concerning the layout, look at discord, microsoft teams, matrix, etc. all can be modified to have larger and smaller text size. Darker and brighter background, etc. it should be possible aswell with the current site engine.

Think about a very minimalistic design without to muchc GIF, PNG etc. decrease load times for people with very slow internet connection. It might be a fracture of the overall total user count but still. Details are key.

I can only repeat myself, i switched directly back to the old layout, not because im not adaptive to new things but because i (still) have a choice, the new layout is horrible compared to the old one. Why is said many times in this thread so far. One of the reason is its less intrusive and extraterrestrial concerning the dark theme. Its to individual.

The new layout is written for people with visual limitations concerning icons and buttons - since these are HUGE. Eventhough horrible its not bad. But it would be perfect if you merge or create a fusion with the old (current) design.

Its also nice to have different color based on the game category, type, etc. like Fallout 3 NV uses orange color Skyrim purple, etc.

Edited by Qrsr
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