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Forum Style Update - 27/03/2024


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Since Nexus needed to do a website redesign, the change in colors may have more to do with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and UK accessibility guidelines then just arbitrariness on the part of the website designers.

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19 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

the change in colors may have more to do with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) and UK accessibility guidelines

This one here: https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/


The color on that page, and entire UI is a simple white. And cant find a black color swap.

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On 4/5/2024 at 10:28 PM, LenaWolfBravil said:

I think it is much simpler than that. It's damaged eyesight. Those of us who sacrificed our retinas on the altar of cathode ray monitors of 1980s and 1990s feel the strain of high contrast. Younger people who grew up with LCD, TFT or other flat screen technologies do not have this issue.

Unless you sit in brightly lit rooms while viewing dark websites (I don't and probably most don't) the human eye dilates quite a bit looking at dark-mode (black backgrounds).  What happens when your eyes dilate?  It is harder to see fonts.  People with common eye disorders, such as myopia, additionally experience a bleeding effect with the light fonts against the black background which make it difficult to read.  These things should also fall under the concept of ACESSIBILITY but are not really considered much since those with these conditions are not impaired to the extent of those who are legally blind with major eyesight impairment.  Even so, those with other types of visual challenges have legitimate concerns about this and if there is a way to offer choices in the color schemes for reading this website, I hope that Nexus will do it.


On 4/6/2024 at 1:25 AM, Qrsr said:

This one here: https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/


The color on that page, and entire UI is a simple white. And cant find a black color swap.

I know.  I find that completely odd too.  The truth is websites use black fonts on white for a reason.  It is the easiest to read for most people.  It is not readable, however, for those with significant eyesight impairment.

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  • 4 weeks later...
1 hour ago, Pickysaurus said:

The editor for posting on the forums has been tweaked to provide better contrast. 

Thank you!  Hope Nexus is able to consider doing the same for other editor locations, such as the mod description pages.

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36 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

Thank you!  Hope Nexus is able to consider doing the same for other editor locations, such as the mod description pages.

It does look like they are looking/considering it. After a few PMs (and providing a few examples), they look like they are going to be more flexible with (at the very least) the editor UI. It just looks like it is easier to edit the colours in the forums vs the new editor on the nexus site. I just hope it also will extend to the profile about me section (any white text (or more white text walls) against the almost black background), and if/when it spreads to mod pages/articles too.

It is just that the forums is a third party hosted platform Invision Community which looks easier to adjust for nexus. It appears the update is more complicated for them to tweak, or takes more time. Or at least that is the gist of what I was told.

Edited by HollownessDevoured
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11 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

Well, at least my eyes on the forums is no longer on "life support".   😵‍💫

Same here!

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