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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

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A: Well, actually with great difficulty here. It's seriously wonky. I wouldn't call it 'work' at all. But then it depends on how you define work so... that leads to...

Q: What is work?

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A. Work?!  Invented by a guy name of Manerd G. Crebs and the Internet just lays around all day and night while people think it's giving them a show of all things that adult pretend is acting and advertising.

Q:  Why do horses have manes?

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A: Work!  Work!  Maynard G Krebs screaming Work! His forehead swelling up from the thought of work.  The Internet?   Work!

Q: Why do women call what they eat a pastry chopped into little stacks stuff piled between bread when what it is made from a thing I call with the same stuff I put together called a sandwich; bread with peanut butter and grape jelly?  Whose got milk?

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A1:  Manes are to show where the front of the horse is. Without a mane it wouldn't be so easy to tell if you were looking at the front or the back and you might be tempted to offer  a tasty treat to the wrong end with dire consequences.

A2: As you know, the Sandwich was invented by John Montagu, who was the 4th earl of Sandwich. The pastry was invented by George Pastry who was a chef. Hence the common use now of Pastry Chef. And the pasty (which is a pastry without an R) was invented by Alice Pastry - his wife. She had a lisp and couldn't pronounce Rs very well so was misunderstood when she went to the Patent Office (she was illiterate as not many people could read and write then). 

Q: Why are rainbows bow shaped?

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A: Auriel was really fond of his bow back in the Dawn Era, so he put a giant reminder of it in the sky.  Too bad the bowstring always gets lost underground due to clipping issues.

Q: Why do Bethesda games have so many bugs?

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A: the daedric realize someone fell asleep at their computer and left the portals open.  They took baths in our tub and left rings around the Beth tub which a bunch of Esda mites love to smear all over their bodies.  When the player starts to wake up the slime fauna quickly dash back through the portals to oblivion and leave traces of goop that mess up the game.

Q: How does a spark plug make sparks?

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A: Well, when a mommy electrode and a daddy electrode love each other very much... ⚡💥⚡

Q: Magnets, how do they work?

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A: They mingle with a lot of wall street bears and bulls, rubbing their sweaters elbows while waving their arms madly and  causing a bunch of static electicity while playing the stock market and get rich for being a magnet for making money by knowing when bear season is and know when Spains Pamplona's bulls are running chasing men through the streets.  It's fun times with the Bulls in the streets of Spain again.  Close your doors, put up street blocks and bails of straw to protect your stores or you'll lose money have to repair everything those bulls break.  Be sure an buy lots of insurance to help pay for any damages and keep an eye on Wall Street if you're in the US. to find out if it's going to be a real Bull market today. 

Q: Why does our hair stand on end when a lightning storm is coming and is near by?

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A: Lightning is formed by electrostatic discharges between two electrically charged regions or objects. These can be both in the atmosphere or one in the atmosphere and one on the ground. Hair is a filament and as such it is possible to create static electricity from the hair by vigorously brushing it especially with a nylon brush. When this happens you will hear the characteristic crackle of static electricity. This charge of electricity can stay in the hair filaments for some time so when lightning approaches, the hair filaments are 'excited' by its presence and they reach out towards the source of the electrically charged region (in the sky) thus making the hair stand on end. Scientists are hoping that eventually they can harness this power and thus create a personal electricity supply thus removing the need for a substitute for lithium. But so far they have sadly been unsuccessful. In recent trials one person's hair stayed in a permanent 'on end' state and is now costing the laboratory concerned a fortune in hairdressing fees while another has become positively charged and has to live in a Faraday cage. 

Q: Why is the North Pole cold?

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A: It dealt with too many fools over the years, and became a misanthrope.

Q: Where are my keys?  They were right there!

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