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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

Guest deleted156886133

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A: Ridiculous ending for the question.  It was so noisy it isn't dumb, dumb means silent.

Q: Is Sub-Nautica played in the Survival mode terribly fun?

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A: It's  an anagram of Rob Givy who was an early 20th century artist born in Australia.  He was famous for his painting of kelpies. Rob Givy also wrote under the name of Roy G Biv. He was famous for his detective stories set in the outback and featuring Boy - his dog. Of course, you may also be referring to Ivor Byg who used the same anagram. He was a crossword compiler from the Isle of Wight. 

Q: Why do trees have leaves?

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Guest deleted156886133

@zixi Creative answer, by the way. Silly me thought Roy invented the rainbow.

A: Job security for leaf rakers.

Q: How much hotter is the Sun compared to the average campfire?

Edited by UsernameWithA9
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A: The sun is no campfire.  Alternating with burning old woods, railroad ties, and sheet music that isn't popular, the heat from the minds of the disgruntled musicians is hotter because they ended up living in a hut a hundred yards from the railroad tracks from which they get the drum beats sounds as the train rattles by on the tracks.  They have to put up with wild animals meaner then their audiences.  That gives them hot heads heat upon their brows hotter then either the sun or burning inflammable stuff.

Q: Why do some old people get wrinkles on their faces and sagging skin on their arms?

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