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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

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A: Because "baaaahhhhh" and "rrrrrrooooaaaarrrr" were already taken.

Q: Do big cats (like lions and tigers) like boxes as much as house cats?

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A: Because there was a friend on the other side of the road and the chicken couldn't 'shout' loud enough across the road. And it's rude in chicken etiquette.

Q: Why is grass green?

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A: After the dish ran away with the spoon the cow jumped over the moon.  Her udder did barely touch the ground and from then on her Mood was more profound.  So she is in a Moon Moooed.

Q: Why didn't the Mayor of Hamelin pay the Pied Piper for ridding the Hamlet of all those rats?

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A: No idea. Very silly. I like rats. They're intelligent and playful. 

Q: What makes volcanoes erupt?

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A: Because you weren't down so early.

Q: Why can't we borrow the Japanese custom of alternate-numbering the overnight hours? 

(If you're not familiar with it, they have the normal 00:00-23:59 numbering of standard 24-hour time.  But they'll also give 00:00-06:00 (midnight to 6 AM) the alternative numbering of 24:00-30:00 of the day that's ending, in situations where you're getting to them by staying up past midnight -- e.g., late-night closing times, nightclub hours, overnight work shifts, or just personal staying-up-late stuff.)

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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A: You sound like Sir Toby in Twelfth Night... 😄  The answer is that it would likely require the reprogramming of all the computers and you know what happened in the millenium(s) - people couldn't even agree when it was...  You so don't want to put us back there... the books, the nonsense, the anticlimax... I couldn't bear it...

Q: Why do slugs like warm wet weather?



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A: The slime they make, makes it more fun I bet, because they can do the slip and slide.  Makes sense to me.  Especially after I watched the movie with a Slug. EPIC the movie

Q: What garden plant is best to grow for it's beautiful looks?  (whisper: that lots of people like the fruit they bear to eat?) 

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