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A: Reverse Tubology

Q: How was Mount Rushmore created?

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A: Do you mean the mountain or the figures? The mountain was caused by giant moles who existed millions of years ago at the time of the dinosaurs. Over the years the molehills have solidified and the giant ants who were also in existence then added to them. Thus proving you can make a mountain out of a molehill. I believe the figures are actually the work of the sculptor Prism who is present in a cameo appearance in Baldur's Gate 1

Q: How do you know that you're the same person who went to sleep last night?

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A: Viewed the fact I rubbed my balls and felt my horn, which while I was not myself when I went to sleep because I was thinking.  Thinking always gets me into trouble so I know I am the same person.  I am because this is the place I awakened after going Everywhere, Everyplace, All at once returned me to being a Babylonian.

Q: How does thinking happen to get started?

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A: Visiting the place was extraordinary according to an Italian grandmother who claimed the pizza parlor in a Great state stole idea.  She made the dish for her starving family out of the scraps she could get for free from the local butcher.

Q: Are herring a fish?

Sometimes I have trouble with hearing and when I hear someone say hearing I wonder if someone was talking about fish.  Time for Lunch.

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A: Long ago and far away there was a man who invented a bed.  The bed was too short for the queen of Ailean and the king couldn't bed her.  So the king saught out his adviser and the adviser discovered it was not the bed that was ordered.  It was a milking stool.

So to make things better adviser being the wiser told the carpenter to make a long bench for the width of the queen with a pillow on one end.  The queen was surprised by the new bed, not yet tested for sleeping. 

She sent a page to deliver a message to the king to show the new bed to him.

He arrived and in his haste, supposing she had called because she had another reason on her mind, and didn't see the thing behind her.  If you've ever seen the queens gown you would know why the king didn't see the fancy bed behind her.

He bumped into her knocking her back over the pillow end. her body landed on the bed, her gown got kicked up and flew over her body.  Her legs returned and sank down so her feet were nearly planted on the floor.

The king very amorous indeed, began to release his sash when the queen's pantaloons were clearly available so he might easily extract them.  The two lived happily ever after.

It was so easy to play and it never caused an ouch.  Thus no one noticed the C in it's pillow shape until a maid saw the bed from the side and said, My Lord that lookes like ca letter.  So they named it because it wasn't a bed, it didn't cause an ouch, it was a success throughout the land with all the other kings and queens, in those days was named a, Couch.

Today we all know it as a Queen size bed.

Q: What actor was known as Merry Andrew.

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A: His name was really Christopher Chuckle. However, after a night of drinking skooma and mead (mixed together) he  was arrested by the Whiterun guard and gave a false name. Whilst in jail he was heard singing and given a job by Balgruuf who thought his name was Merry Andrew and thus it stuck. He could hardly tell the jarl about the false name. 

Q: Why do bees make a buzzing noise?

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A: The bees are humming their favorite tune.  The Bees National pass time is humming.

Q: Why do that call one kind of fly a Horse Fly?

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A: aliens created a genetic hybrid between a horse and a fly.

Q: why did my bread go bad in the fridge 

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