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Vortex doesn't detect the version of my game.


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Hi, a week ago i installed fallout new vegas Ultimate edition and i decided to mod it, downloading mods from nexus and installing them with vortex. seems like one of the mods required all the DLC from fallout 3, after installing a copy i purchased of fallout 3 (in DVD) the mod couldn't install since vortex DETECTS that my game version is when in fact it is
it happened with new vegas too, one time. i cannot see how to fix this or how to tell vortex that my game is actually



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  • 5 months later...

I've got a similar issue with Skyrim. Had an older version, haven't played in years, got a new VR headset, wanted to check things out, and now, whatever I do, I can't seem to get Vortex to recognize the correct version. I've unmanaged the game, remanaged it, nothing. Uninstalled and reinstalled Skyrim, nothing. Uninstalled and reinstalled vortex, nothing... All the old config files are still there, as is the old version info... Kinda annoying, and I'm not sure what else to try to fix this.

Skyrim error.jpg

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