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Any mods that address the logic problems concerning Skyrim's water?


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Eez Magic! I guess they imagined there are artesian springs everywhere, and that artesian springs don't necessarily follow the principles of physics. Some actually *appear* to work validly. Others though are kinda absurd, like the ones that gush out of a crack in on the very peak surface of a mountain, or otherwise defy physical limitations.

The only mods I can think of that might be qualified are ones that produce visible rain puddles (theory being puddles collect into rivulets which eventually add to the streams and other bodies of water). What I'd love to see is a  mod that takes advantage of some of the dry washes and make them run, at least during and maybe for a little while after it rains, even running into vanilla water sources while they're active. It'd give things a little more credibility, but til then, idk.

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Seriously, there are so many 'logical' problems with world of Skyrim - as in - not working like in real life - that this one would be among the very last on my list of 'things to fix'.

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Seriously, if every idea was scrutinized and criticized for not being worthy, "m'cuz there are beeger problems like man" no one would bother to submit ideas.

Fact is, compared to many other fora I routinely visit, these SE forums are almost dead, and at least imo, we really don't need people actively discouraging dialog.


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I thought I saw a few river redirection mods in  LE, but it's been a while.

Think some flow fixes might be in the Unofficial Patches too.

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for me, the  community shaders   wetness effects, mod, along with  Real Rain  and  Real Clouds  helps maintain the illusion of weather providing the water. (I'd still love to see dynamically spawned, temporary runoff creeks, during and shortly after a rainy period, as pipe-dream as that might be)

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