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Every vortex update completely wipes and deletes my entire library of mods and games.

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Everytime I have updated vortex in the past I have opened up the new version to find my profiles and my entire list of mods completely empty, because of this I have quit using Vortex multiple times in the past, but wanted to come back and use it again after so long. I am so tired of spending dozens of hours even up to 100 hours downloading 5 to 600 or more mods and to have Vortex shortly after decide to delete everything for seemingly no reason. I’m so pissed off at the time I’ve wasted, I just wanted to come home from work and play a game not to be met with disappointment. What the heck is going on?

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You're going to need to go into some detail.

Vortex stores all that data in the "AppData/Vortex" folder and that folder is NOT altered by updating Vortex.  Neither is it removed if you uninstall Vortex.

There is no way you should be having such an issue.

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1 minute ago, showler said:

You're going to need to go into some detail.

Vortex stores all that data in the "AppData/Vortex" folder and that folder is NOT altered by updating Vortex.  Neither is it removed if you uninstall Vortex.

There is no way you should be having such an issue.

I started up vortex and it said it had an update, I clicked “update and restart” and immediately after it started up everything was gone. That’s everything that happened. And it’s not the first time this has happened.

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Something on your PC must be wiping the AppData folder - this doesn't ever happen the way Vortex works normally. 


Edit: The only possible way for this to have happened is if you put your mod staging folder inside your Vortex install folder. Vortex will try and prevent you from doing this. Did you install Vortex to a location outside of Progam Files? Where was your staging folder located? 

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