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Vortex Profile Deleted

Go to solution Solved by Pickysaurus,

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I have recently opened the Vortex Mod Manager and have found that my main profile with 600+ mods enabled has been simply deleted.


I checked the profiles folder and it turns out that it's missing the "loadorder.txt" and the "plugins.txt" (image provided).


Some information:
- My nexus profile is "YAKgamer"
- The game in question is Skyrim SE
- All my mods are still available to enable however, I don't think I'll be able to remember all mods I had enabled, nor the order they were in, hence why I need the profile back


Would it be possible in any way to recover the lost profile? It contains about 3 years of adding mods. I'd appreciate the help.

Best regards


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Vortex doesn't do this by itself. What did you do last time it was opened? Did you swap from per user to shared mode in settings? Did you put your staging folder inside the Vortex install folder? Did you get any new notifications after starting up? 

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1 hour ago, Pickysaurus said:

Vortex doesn't do this by itself. What did you do last time it was opened? Did you swap from per user to shared mode in settings? Did you put your staging folder inside the Vortex install folder? Did you get any new notifications after starting up? 

Nothing of the sorts happened. I launched vortex, clicked on my profile, and the next thing I knew my old profile was gone and it had renamed one of my other profiles to "Default" and chose that one for me. I'm not sure how that's possible to be honest, but that's what happened. Is there any way to recover the lost profile?

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31 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

So you saw the profile in the UI when you started up and then it was gone? Perhaps you hit delete by mistake? 

Unfortunately if this is the case deleting a profile is not reversible. 

Maybe? But I don't remember deleting it. I've tried every single recovery tool I could think of but nothing worked.

Are you sure there is absolutely nothing I can do? Nothing?

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2 hours ago, showler said:

Isn't there a function in the save games section that re-enables the mods that were active on a particular save?

Yes, this is an option. Obviously this only covers plugins (not mods without plugins) 

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9 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

Yes, this is an option. Obviously this only covers plugins (not mods without plugins) 

I did end up doing that, yes. However, I'm still missing about 200 mods. I've been trying to re-enable some but it's been quite difficult. It's a little depressing, but I'll manage. Thanks for your help though.

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