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The Plan For World Peace?

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1 hour ago, UsernameWithA9 said:

By the way, I don't follow any sort of news source as it drives me insane but... Is Russia threatening to nuke Ukraine?

They've dropped hints along the lines of "well if the rest of the world keeps supporting Ukraine we might have no choice."  Don't think anyone takes them seriously because if it happened Russia would cease to exist.

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9 hours ago, UsernameWithA9 said:

That's been a delicate point ever since the Cold War, hasn't it? One nuke flies thus setting off a chain reaction. Everyone knows the outcome. Result: oblivion. Or at the very least, global destruction and radiation poisoning for those that survive the blasts. That's like you and me have a fist fight and I pull out a fragmentation grenade, pull the pin and drop it beside us. I don't really see that happening. There's no endgame, no benefit because nobody wins. Unless you count which nation is the least mucked up after the radiation dust settles. I suppose the global leaders could conduct that survey from whatever space station they flew off to before the missiles started flying. Because you know they're not sticking around.

By the way, I don't follow any sort of news source as it drives me insane but... Is Russia threatening to nuke Ukraine?

Russia has been wagging their nukes for quite some time. Do I think they are Stupid enough to actually FIRE one? No. Not really. However, if Putin is backed into a corner, and it looks like he is actually going to LOSE, I wouldn't put it past him to drop one on Kiev, even knowing what the end result of that would be.... (NATO entering the war on the side of Ukraine.....) WE *might* not respond with a nuke..... but, once NATO gets involved, all bets are off, and Putin would quite likely use every means at his disposal if NATO moved into Russian territory.....

I would like to think that all of the various world leaders are aware of the potential for disaster if either side is pushed too far..... But hey, World War II? Not everyone is rational. 😄

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