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Downgrading Fallout 4 from 1.10.984.0 to (Steam)


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12 hours ago, ChaffyCosaine said:

Im having issues with the Far Harbor command here, it keeps failing saying theres an error writing chunk. Anybody know how to fix this?

That sounds like a steam error

sorry if these suggestions sound sound basic but have you tried/are you runnining steam as an administrator? One more thought there steam needs to to outside program files something like C:/Steam or windows uac gets in the way

clearing your cache in steam?

  1. instructions to move a steam install read thouroughly before you start if your steam is still installed in C:/program files  https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/4BD4-4528-6B2E-8327
  2. right click your steam Icon>compatibility tab > run as administrator (checkbox) apply restart steam & try downloading again
  3. clear steam cache go to Steam settings >Downloads> Clear cache after that go to storage in settings you will see you current drive with games (a bar with how full that drive is) there are three dots that when you hover over say settings click this & click repair library



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Followed the guide to the dot, clean install. When I launch the game, the "Please wait" classic fallout sceen appears, then immediately terminates back to desktop, no errors, tried running through fallout4.exe, launcher.exe and thro steam. Same issue.

Any ideas? 😞

I installed Fallout 4 London, and tried that, and same problem happens, but another splash screen.

Edited by beetlebubbie
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On 8/8/2024 at 6:01 AM, beetlebubbie said:

Followed the guide to the dot, clean install. When I launch the game, the "Please wait" classic fallout sceen appears, then immediately terminates back to desktop, no errors, tried running through fallout4.exe, launcher.exe and thro steam. Same issue.

Any ideas? 😞

I installed Fallout 4 London, and tried that, and same problem happens, but another splash screen.

I found a clue on Reddit that suggested I go to the Fallout 4 program directory (e.g.: program x86 / steam / steamapps / common / Fallout 4 / data) and search ccBG and delete the files.  I did not have any files under that directory, so I checked in the main game install directory (SteamLibrary / steamapps / common / Fallout 4 / Data) and found several ccBG files there.  I deleted all those and the game loaded.

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  • 2 months later...

I used the Fallout London Downgrader then started installing mods. So far, everything works until I leave chargen then it goes to infinite (blacked-out) loading screen. Wrye Bash, aside from a number of cascading errors with Hot Mama (which I am reinstalling), tells me the 'nonetype' object hasn't got a 'dump_comp" attribute.

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17 hours ago, RickyTheOx said:

A quick question

Can I use Transfer settlement and import from NG builds ?

Yes, should work fine.

But one thing worth keeping in mind is that the BA2 archive version number was changed in NG. If you download a mod that uses a NG archive then its settlement items will be invisible when importing/building it in the old version (but this can be fixed if you patch the archive or unpack it). Also, new Halloween Workshop settlement items was added in NG, but Transfer Settlements should just skip it if you don't have it installed.

Transfer Settlements was updated in September and has both a next-gen and old-gen version available for download.

Edited by Squirrel97
  • Thanks 1
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