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Our world is filled with so much misinformation because lies are free and truth COSTS MONEY.


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I am so sick of not being allowed to know truth. I find a repuatble source, I need a subscription. All free sources are dubious. You have to get a degree to know a damned thing about anything. Scientists keep truth locked behind a vault they act like. They even lie to use in school about their actual beliefs. None of us know a damned thing, because it is strictly forbidden. You want to know anything, it has to be a lie. Truth is for the rich, who most of the time it seems don't give a s#*! about it. How are we supposed to know how to eat right? How are we supposed to know that climate change is real? We're not allowed to see the evidence. I do know that its been getting hotter where I live. Freezing spells have become further and further between. Now, hot winters are NORMAL. I mean, we're lucky if the temperature drops below 65 ON THE WINTER SOLSTICE. Keep in mind, where I live, winter only comprises the months of December and January. Summer literally eats up half the year. This was over 20 yeas ago of course. Now, it seems like all year is summer. Is that all I have to go on to know that climate change is real? I do know hurricanes are becoming more frequent, along with flooding. Of course, if Trump wins the 2024 election, he's going to try and disband NOAA (or w/e they're called), meaning we'll no longer be hearing about all these storms.

We live in an endless ocean of lies. All we can really trust is what we've seen with our own eyes. I don't know if atoms exist. I don't even know if dinosaurs existed. I've never seen an atom, and I've never seen a dinosaur fossil with my own eyes. I do know pictures I've seen of them online has made my question all the paleo media I've ever seen. I'VE SEEN CONSPIRACY THEORIES MORE SOLID THAN EVOLUTION WHAT DOES THAT SAY????

Truth should be free. Truth should be a human right. But it is not. Its forbidden, unless you're rich. Greed is what has screwed over our society. Money has caused our world to descend into madness. Granted, perhaps it was never sane to begin with, but just because our situation has always been doesn't mean it is not. Do we really live in a world now where I have to explain a simple fact like that? If something always has been, then it must be. Shocking how even simply logic like that escapes most people these days.

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This is what common sense, education and experience are for, apply those to most conspiracy theories and they soon fall apart, you can also use them to tell who's lying. 

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It's also important to remember what the product is.  Some sites exist to sell you information.  Other sites exist to sell YOU to the advertisers.

Even amongst sites that are selling you to the advertisers there can be differences.  On YouTube I watch both Outside Xbox and Playstation Access.  Outside Xbox gets money from advertising and Patreon, so while they are motivated to get your attention and keep it they don't have ulterior motives.  Playstation Access is an official Sony production though.  They still get money from advertising and have to do the same things as OX to get and keep you attention, but they are also paid by Sony and will never say bad things about their employer.

Knowing the way the money flows can tell you a lot about the site.

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On the subject of YouTube, it's wise to avoid reviews by anyone who gets games early from major publishers, they're unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them with a bad review and risk losing early access to future titles. 

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