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Vortex update 1.12.0 borked all my LOOT metadata!

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Hi there - first of all, that enhancement is cosmetic, LOOT will still sort your plugins according to the masterlist they provide and your personally defined userlist as it always has.

Can you give me an example of a plugin that exists in the LOOT masterlist and Vortex is complaining about it not having metadata?

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Still looking for solutions

This is not a cosmetic issue, it was working fine, Vortex updated, now LOOT integration is broken and wont autosort and wont get rid of the ongoing issue.

I also seem to notice installing mods that would normally prompt a LOOT message that a compatibility patch is needed with the info on where to get the patch is also not occurring. < this seems to be temperamental and ongoing testing is being done.

As for an example, imagine this under practically every plugin, I got off lightly compared to the OP in the linked post above who has this issue for 900+ mods.


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Hi there - I guarantee that all of the patches you just posted in your snippet DO NOT have masterlist metadata.

To be clear - we are still investigating any potential issues with sorting as part of the 1.12.0 release, but you're latching onto a 100% cosmetic enhancement which has nothing to do with any sorting failures.

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I have the same issue.  Today when I updated Vortex, I suddenly had all these notes saying That No Metadata could be found for this plugin.

It seems to be affecting all types of plugins.  I don't know much about loot as I have only used it through Vortex.

Almost all "groups" changed to default.  I haven't noticed any issues with the load order, but I haven't tried to sort anything today. 


Edited by LeapinL
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If you want to check if a plugin exists in LOOT, you can enter it's name and select the game you're playing here: https://loot.github.io/search/

I think the confusion might be that none of these plugins had LOOT info, but Vortex was not showing this message in the last version. This was an enhancement to better inform users that LOOT is not doing anything specific when sorting these (it just uses the master data). 

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1 hour ago, LeapinL said:

I have the same issue.  Today when I updated Vortex, I suddenly had all these notes saying That No Metadata could be found for this plugin.

It seems to be affecting all types of plugins.  I don't know much about loot as I have only used it through Vortex.

Almost all "groups" changed to default.  I haven't noticed any issues with the load order, but I haven't tried to sort anything today. 


@LeapinL - as I mentioned, that message is purely cosmetic and will not affect your LO in any way - what concerns me in your reply however is your statement that almost all groups changed to default, 1.12.0 has no userlist (grouping information) enhancements in place and should have never caused any of the groups to change to default; are you certain that change occurred as part of the update?

Can you please send me your userlist.yaml file which can be found inside your staging folder. If privacy is a concern, just send it to me through a forum message.

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