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Neverwinter Knights NIT mod installer - hd textures - automatic download and install - textures missing

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MS windows 10 - nvidia 4gb video ram
GeForce Game Ready Driver - WHQL
Driver Version: 560.81 - Release Date: Tue Aug 06, 2024


I used the download and automatic install from the link:


Offline, running the NIT tool - 'launch NWN' and load game. options 'show 2nd titles' - automatic.

Characters lower-half textures are missing??

Searched the net for solutions. Anti-Aliasing on/off, turning it all off has no effect in nvidia menu.  Nothing useful...


Need help... Thanks.


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This has nothing to do with vortex, NIT, or any other installer.

This is some unknown neverwinter nights texture bug. Works fine if I remove the HD textures. I can't use those community beam dog textures. Is this an nvidia bug or some new NWN bug?

Running NWN either NIT or the normal desktop link doesn't affect this texture bug.


No other mods are installed. I doubt manual install will fix it.






Edited by scathtroy2147
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There's a wiki about that mod and possible issues here: https://nwn.wiki/display/NWN1/Beamdog+HD+Pack . I'm guessing you tried reinstalling? 

The mod is intended for the EE version only... I'm assuming you are aware of that. Some players are running the Diamond version for example. 

The version you're using is a Beamdog one with community fixes... you could try the official Beamdog release here: https://files.beamdog.com 

Judging by the comments on Steam, the HD pack has a few issues which Beamdog are aware of...

@showler is right though - you'll be lucky to get any help posting in the Vortex thread... I came here because I saw Neverwinter Nights in the title and wondered who on earth (other than me) could be still playing that game.

I hope it resolves and someone else is more help. NWN is an amazing game. Still. 😉


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NOTE, a lot of newer games have horrible gameplay, but great graphics.   Some of us prefer, superior gameplay over graphics.  At GOG some older games have gameplay that's far superior. New games focused on gameplay, not fancy GFX.  I've read about Astrox Imperium and saw gameplay. Not top level GFX, but the gameplay is amazing!

NWN is still superior to most new games, save the witcher series. They get both right... 🙂        Lots of modules too and HD art pack.

Reinstalling NWN - enhanced, I've not tried that.  Official beamdog pack?     Both definitely worth trying.  Could be an nvidia bug.

This should have been the Neverwinter Nights forum.  OPPS.... I'll just delete it and move it, asap.


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I was delighted to see your original post as I'm a huge fan of those early games so actually I'm pleased you put it in the wrong place.

Like you, I never played for the graphics (though I have the t-shirt you know the one... "I went outside once but the graphics aren't very good"). It's the story. The story to NWN is heartbreakingly sad. I always want to scoop Aribeth up and take her somewhere safe...

I've just finished BG1 and 2 (again, again, again etc). I've already replayed Icewind Dale so I think NWN is next on the list. I haven't played it in an age... Thanks for the reminder - it's given me a nudge! Horrendous winds here today so being outside is not an option... 😀

I really hope you sort it and if you do it'd be nice to know which solution worked... who knows... maybe there are other NWN fans here too... 😉

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All the beam dog textures fail with the same bug: the big pack 4gb and the rest fail. The characters lower half, not counting the cape, are missing. All beam dog textures big and small packs have the same bug. The BD advanced light mod causes GOG to causes some CRC error. The other texture packs work, but some overwrite files in the same group. The reborn UI has great textures, but I like the original sounds. So, I have to manually delete all the sounds.

Well, I completed NWN, #1,#2, and #3 I stopped on and a few others. I came back and completed some smaller ones. Restarted NWN.

Speaking as Fan, Lord Nasher was pressured into executing Arabeth. She's a Paladin. She was temped and manipulated by evil. So, she is guilty of letting him play her into switching sides. She deserves a second chance. (In HOU, you can free here, but it's shallow a storyline). There a download on the vault for her redemption. I'm going to download it. Right too many official modules unplayed.


Then, there that annoying nvidia bug that not been able to fix for about 5+ years! 😛  Everytime, I try to set a app settings. The select keeps switching back to the first entry. I can't find any solution, nothing. Which forum do I post this on?


The GOG BG1 and 2? I have too many to check it out. FYI, I now have the badass Astrox Imperium. The ship designer is great, no limits but your imagination. The ultima series 3&4 are great gameplay, crude GFX. 4 has been remastered on NWN engine.


I had my fill of 2d games in the day, too spoiled by the 3D games now to play 2D ones. Hoping for a remaster of Ultima series.

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On 8/24/2024 at 6:40 AM, scathtroy2147 said:

Hoping for a remaster of Ultima series

I recently rebought Ultima IX. I remember it had issues at the time but I found it extremely difficult to play partly because things have moved on and because it either is even more buggy on my current system or I've become more intolerant... It was amazing at the time though. 

I play BG1 and 2 via Steam. I've got fed up with maintaining them myself so now I pay Steam to do it. I have installed also my original disk based version but it requires one of the CDs to be loaded and I find that annoying. It's tempting to re-buy it as a GOG because it's then disk free and apparently GOG sell you the enhanced edition (which is what I have on Steam) and they'll give you a key for the original. Modding BG via Steam (and on Linux) can have some issues so I quite like having two versions...

Anyway, thanks to your issues with NWN I've now reinstalled that via Steam and am currently playing... I'd forgotten both how beautiful the graphics are and how wonderful Soule's music is... It's really, really nice to find someone else playing these old games... 🙂 And owning up to it... maybe there are closet players! 😄

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The textures are tricky to find the right one. Someone should tell beamdog or the community about this bug.

PBR's textures are good off neverwinter vault. It's the same for every game, trial and error. You can download here and NWV. Beamdog left a bug. I transferred a character from pirates of the sword coast. It left the 'undead' part in the name. I found a time crystal duplicate bug in the #2 sundial. You can fill your inventory with them, unlike the first sundial. There are few other bugs, but beamdog did great job. Oblivion and Morrowind have COD often. You can't crash NWN.  Reborn UI is great, but I just removed the music. NIT still takes a long time to it.

NWN has some annoying UI problems. That radial menu was stupid idea from the start. The  follower dog/cat you can't stop from breaking every box you can't unlock. You have to stand down - then unlock, then guard.

GOG BG I think based on the original BG1979.

For now, playing Astrox Imperium. 5 fully developed star systems.  a destroyer class lead ship, flanked by two heavy-destroyers, a jamming ship, missile cruiser, and 2 others. Err, I'm not sure now what the lead ship was, been a while since I played.

Don't forget, some older games are garbage and/or GOG sells them without fixing them. GOG versions add bugs that break the game, singularity is now broken, the cheat was the only way to get past one section, no more cheat, your stuck.


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