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Vortex log in issue


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When I try to log into Vortex I authorize on Nexus, get the message that authorisation was successful on the website, but nothing happens on the popup in Vortex.

I also tried using the token, but I get an "invalid token" error ("unexpected end of JSON input").


Looking at why the initial authentication failed, it says "code: ECONNRESET".

I searched for this and found that it's supposed to be firewall related.

I checked, but Vortex is on the green list of my AV program and there should be nothing blocking it.

My internet works fine as well, and I don't have any issues with other games I always played online.


Please help. Thanks!

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Unfortunately, this is a connection issue on your side and there's nothing we can do from our end. You need to ensure your PC is allowing Vortex to connection to all Nexus Mods domains. 

Which Firewall/AV software do you use? Have you tired outright disabling the Firewall feature for a moment? 

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