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Vortex not recognizing game (Skyrim SSE), constantly purging all mod links

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Using Vortex 1.13.3

Skyrim SSE from Steam

I cannot do anything to any mod. 

Add a new one; Reinstall an existing one; Even removing one

Each time, when it's done and I expect a simple Deploy, Vortex goes purge links, checks archives, everything ends up removed saying it was modified outside of Vortex, leaving me to do a full restore.

I've restarted Vortex. 

I've restarted my computer.

When it checks the archives - it says that none of them are valid, as it cannot recognize the game.

I've submitted the feedback form in the app itself after it failed when adding one, and then when it later failed on reinstalling one, but I'm not sure if that actually goes anywhere, so this may end up being a duplicate posting.

The attempt to delete one and it doing it's thing again is new to this post.

When it restores them, it's clearly duplicating things as well, for the restored file count keeps going up. At first, it was restoring 100,000 files, now it's restoring 180,000 files.

Edit: I should add that after the restore - I was able to start and play the game, but it's clearly snowballing here.

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I wondered about that, but and checked things like my antivirus.

However, I could find no evidence of anything messing with the folder. After a restore, and launching Skyrim to verify the restore worked, I then closed out, restarted, and was able to reproduce the issue again immediately.

I personally wonder why it keeps viewing all the archives as invalid with the reason of "unknown game". That to me seems to be where the culprit may be if Vortex somehow is now no longer able to recognize the Skyrim SSE mods as being Skyrim SSE mods in my loadout.

Only thing I've not done is uninstall and reinstall Vortex, which I'll probably do if I end up not being able to finish my current playthrough.


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Cool. New version installed - 1.13.5, and the issue still persists.

I got a new error from it though while it was going through it's purge. It popped up a crash report saying I had too many version of the Warmaidens mod open (game wasn't running - only Vortex was running).

I hit the submit - hopefully someone can figure out what's going on.

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Vortex restore done.

Viewing mod folder and vortex folder. Anti-virus off, nothing else running besides the OS's functions, and my browser with this page open.

Remove a mod.

Vortex purges everything, then needs to be restored again.

Nothing is modifying the folder after it's restore. Clearly, something is going on with Vortex's ability to manage my Skyrim mods. 

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Or can anyone speak to what would cause Vortex to think that the Skyrim SE archives are not for Skyrim SSE?

Surely someone can be more helpful than what has been posted earlier already.

Edit: I've not modified or done anything to the Unofficial SSE Patch. I can remove and add the Unofficial SSE Patch back, and this still happens. Reinstalling Vortex hasn't helped. 


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No idea if anyone related to Vortex is reading this thread, but I've also been able to confirm that Vortex works as expected with other games. I switched over to Starfield, 7 Days to Die, and M&B Bannerlord, and was able to add/remove/update mods without it triggering the purge situation.

Only Skyrim Special Edition, and it still does it after testing out as working fine for the other games.


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  • Solution

There was an issue similar to this a while back that involved the installation of SKSE.  I think manually installing SKSE instead of letting Vortex do it was one solution.

It wasn't just SKSE, it could happen with other mods that are installed in the main folder rather than the DATA folder as well.

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