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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Just now, NiteFromWindhelm said:

I think this warrants a thing where everyone can vote or voice what they prefer that's advertised on the site somewhere. 

Also why would you force a less functional version and promise to fix or add back things that were present and not broken on the old one. Should've released it when it was on par at least.

Yes, maybe they could put a big banner across the top of the page saying "try out the new beta and give us your opinion before we go live with it" for a month or two?

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8 hours ago, Iluviel said:

all I can say is the majority of people do and anyone complaining about them in this thread is in a vocal minority. Our data proves this

Data driven approach, eh? How's this for data: The reams of comments and feedback threads (and their upvotes) telling you this new UI is junk, is hard to use and hard to look at, straight up doesn't work on occasion, and that the old UI was better, and the actual constructive criticism and suggestions by users to alleviate this?

How about the ratio of "like" reactions on each comment stating the above, relative the ratio of your "explanations?"

How about the fact that a large proportion of the users complaining are the same people paying money for site features, and that perhaps their opinions should be considered a bit more carefully than "complaining about change" and being classed as a "vocal minority?" (That's to say nothing of the fact that the vast majority of people probably don't even know the forums even exist, since they're hidden away under the community dropdown, not to mention that they're not exactly intuitively laid out. I'm a smart guy, and it took me a solid few minutes to figure out the right place to post)

Where's this data you speak of? Can we see it? Can you show it to us? Or is it all in the realm of "just trust me, bro?" I could say I have data to prove that Valve will release Half-Life 3 in July of this year, but that doesn't make it true, and unless I actually present it, I should (rightly) be ridiculed.

Someone else further up the thread mentioned that you don't need to change the UI when you change the backend. You don't want to support both the old look and the new look with a toggle, like both reddit and imgur do (not that that's a back-breaking ask)? Fine. Ditch the new look, and point the new code to the old UI assets. Your users don't want this. And since your users are the ones, you know, using the site, you should perhaps listen to the data they're giving you. Especially when a good portion of said users are responsible for footing the bill. We don't care what your "plans" are, we don't care whether it's your pet project or not, we don't care how much was invested into it; if we don't like it, if it makes the site harder to use and uglier to look at, if it renders it literally unusable for those of us with eyesight issues, then we DO. NOT. WANT IT.


17 minutes ago, UX99 said:

Everything about this is just "bad".

  • Overly clunky interface.
  • Using Shadow-Root which prevents people from trying to fix the search (visually) themselves.
  • Having the search take up a giant window for really no reason.
  • No way to disable the keyboard shortcuts.
  • Closing any feedback on the actual feedback website.
  • The "our testers liked it so it must be good" is a really bad approach.
    • So the people who willingly opted in claimed it was good.
    • You're ignoring anyone who opted in, didn't like it, then opted back out.
    • You're ignoring the countless people who really hate this change.
      • It also isn't hating change for the sake of it being different. It's hating it as it is just really badly designed.
  • It's slow to load.
  • It's much slower to really do just about anything.
  • It takes up too much of the screen and has less to offer the end-user.


This guy gets it. Especially point 5.

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19 hours ago, jn64 said:

Reminder: you control the presentation of web pages on your machine. If your browser doesn't let you do that, find a better browser.

uBlock Origin filters

Hide Collections section on game page:


Hide News section on game page:


Hide Collections banner on homepage:


Custom styling using userContent.css for Firefox

/* Temp fix Nexus Mods redesign */
@-moz-document domain(www.nexusmods.com) {
	.next-container {
		width: auto !important;
	.next-container section[aria-labelledby="trending-mods-header"] {
		max-width: 1200px;
	.next-container .mods-grid, .next-container .media-grid {
		column-gap: 1rem !important;

Screenshot of what it looks like:



Thanks for the uBlock Origin tip, blocking collections already improves the page immensely. How would you do the custom styling on Chrome? Is there a native way to do it, or an extension I need?

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very bad UI

very very very laggy
stuff section are to big on screen, have to scroll 5 times to go of the bottom of a page (mods section display) i used 3 times "CTRL+wheel down" to reduce the size of the page thumbnails
4 thumbnails of mods fill almost all the page at normal size, looks like a website for almost blind old people lol

it's a pain to use, really 
the older was nice, why changing something nice and without problems ?

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I bet if all of you "premium" users complaining about the UI cancelled your plan, nexus would be forced to act, but we all know you won't. You'll just whine a little and in the end accept it.

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Rarely come to the forums for anything and mostly a lurker, but this new UI design is awful enough for me to post my distaste for it. It's noisy and cluttered, slow to load, slow to navigate, confusing to find where anything is. I hate it. I think it's so terrible, it actively makes me not want to use the site. This should've stayed optional. If it was good enough, people would've naturally switched to it if given the choice. Instead you forced everyone to use it, which shows a lack of confidence in the design change. That's my feedback.

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12 minutes ago, showler said:

Yes, maybe they could put a big banner across the top of the page saying "try out the new beta and give us your opinion before we go live with it" for a month or two?

Well that was rude. As we can see, everyone is now affected with this beta with no opt out. Sorry that me suggesting that there should be a news thing or something, asking for users to vote or say what they prefer made you upset. This beta clearly needed to stay in the oven a while longer.


Staff and moderation have been either hostile or blowing people off for giving genuine feedback. 

Since there's talks about data that no one has released, now would be a great time to compare that data now that there's tons of people who are saying the opposite of what the supposed data says.


That's why I suggested a vote or voicing our preference that's accessible to everyone. Not just to the beta testers that stayed opted in vs all the ones that looked at it and opted out soon after.

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6 minutes ago, Unprogression said:

Can i revert to the old design?

Why try to fix something or overhaul something that worked perfectly fine for the last 15 year

I want to revert to the old design too.

If the admins do not want to listen to us, the only solution we got is to make it a battle on the long term: keep posting about it for as long we need.

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