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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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This new UI has broken so many things. I don't usually comment, i find what mods i want download them and use em. But god damn this is horrible. The option to list mods by small tiles, big tiles, or a list is completely broken by the new UI and the only place where that option appears is in profile settings. So theres that, The whole list 20, 40, 60, 80 mods thing is also whack as again and I'm parroting a whole lot of people but there is so much wasted space and heck if they wanted to have a proper update to looking though mods, they should just remove it all together and do dynamic mod loading. you can fit 4 more whole mods into the bottom of the page with the filters hidden. This wasn't an issue with the old UI. If this was just to bring the rest of the site in line with the UI that the collections page had congrats you did it and somehow made it worse. The games tab is just the epitome of wasted space tiny pictures and the name beside them somehow takes up no space and all the space plus even with all that new space you can only favorite 24 games even though there is so much more space you can fill. 

Why constrain the page to the middle 3rd of the screen, theres not even banners to flank each side. I looked at the scores you aggregated and when you have 60+ million users and can only get a fraction of a fraction of the userbase to respond to the changes via "pop-up's" there's a massive issue. Oh the "surprise" button does not even generate a new batch of mods when you click off of it then back on to it... so what's its use? 

This feels poorly thought out and rushed out while using data from a fraction of a fraction of the userbase. 

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There is a lot of empty space on the page where we can add many objects, but instead we will make the page itself bigger by reducing the number of objects. What genius came up with this?

Some kind of tasteless design, because of which you don't want to go to the site.
https://imgur.com/gallery/before-9bI4PUS Before.
https://imgur.com/gallery/after-lmwZ1yB After.

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where the heck did "tracked content updates" tab went? What should I click on now to get the functionality to look at new comments across all my mods at a glance?

Hi - I have the same workflow as mentioned above and it's a struggle to see and respond to comments when you have published a lot of mods across several different games. I hope this can get addressed in a timely manner. 

1 hour ago, JobiWanUK said:

In the meantime I've set my notifications to ping me when someone comments on one of my mods.

I actually had no idea you could do this until I saw this -- thanks!

For anyone else wondering: Site Preferences > Notifications > My Mods > New Comments

I'm hoping this will help. Very much appreciated!

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Before I was confused by the search window. It was showing other games than the page I was already on. It showed me others game BEFORE collections but at least AFTER mods. But now it shows me others games BEFORE mods ? Why ? I'm on Skyrim Special Edition page. I want to see MODS for SKYRIM. I don't want to see JoJo's Bizarre Adventure game or any other game. That is so weird to me

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The old layout was so much easier on the eyes. Everyone knew how to find what they wanted, now I'm looking at a mess and not getting the results I was seeing from a few days ago.

When KCD 2 got Steam Workshop mods added, I checked it out and thought "man, it sucks to find stuff here, glad Nexusmods is set up in a dependable way." Then Nexusmods changes on me to be even worse than I would ever expect.

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Just here to vent my displeasure  at your new UI. Congradulations on taking an easily navigable page and creating this steaming pile. For the record,  I "used to" login daily to check mod updates and new mods (mostly in Fallout 4), but I shall not be doing that in future as I really do not like how the site now looks, nor how navigation  of new and updated mods has  become under your new UI. Also for the record,  I loathed Windows 8 as well, and I can only assume by how the page now looks that was what you used for your inspiration for the new design.

My membership is paid until December of this year. At that point I shall express my displeasure with my wallet and not renew.


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