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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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18 hours ago, m661 said:

I will play devil's advocate on the proposed actions because I find this more damaging for the users then for the targeted service.
I fully understand the emotions behind it as well as the desire to change the situation by protest but it will most likely not work. And yes I am also not happy about the situation or at least part of it.

Let me explain.
Companies do not care about there users they care about the numbers at the end of the quarter. (not talking about individual staff but the company as entity)
Unless you can actively cause a long-term downward trend of loss in revenue (more than a year) the protest is not going to do anything beside make you personally feel a bit better on short-term. Why is that? Well these things are calculated when a company takes a radical change in there impact analyse and risk assessment. Or they should at the least.

Lets break it further down.
There is no risk of this catching mainstream media for them, the problem is to mundane for the mainstream media to care it will not cause ratings. And media cares about ratings not problems.
Sub markets as in game reporting news sites will not care until there is a active large social media campaign they can profit of and then even coverage will at most be very low unless some controversy happens as mass bans, verbal abuse from staff side etc which will be seen as profitable. Again media cares about numbers not problems.

Deleting already paid products will not hit the actual company revenue. Well over 90% of people will voluntarily use the service in a week time again due to FOMO and up to 98% will be back in the first month. And if not at least revisit the medium which will keep the SEO, marketing at the same level. Sure some recurring payments might stop but you are most likely looking at numbers as low as 0.000001% of total customers.

You are not going to get a lot of big mod authors to reconsider the platform based on just a UI change. It is a pain to move things around for authors and due to the way the user agreement works Nexus is allowed to still use the old resources so it will hurt the mod authors for a very long time unless they make lots of content weekly that can be made exclusive. However those type of mod authors most likely run also on donation money partially. Meaning a move will cut in there own revenue lowering production capability and generally not worth the risk for them.
And with the mod authors still active it will still draw the required traffic for nexus to keep profiting of the product.

And the worst is it might actually drive sales up. Either because people out of protest decide to get premium who are pro new nexus style or the ones against it might as mentioned get remorse and decide to renew there subscription sometimes against less favourable costs.

I fully understand the utopian thinking that an user outcry and protest move will resolve this but that is not how it works in the business world.
Do spread your dislike, discomfort, opinion and ideas with anyone you think should hear it but burning your own money makes company board members chuckle and then move on.

Also be respectful even if you do not agree with anything anyone from the company says. (curse people in your head smile to them in public)
The most from the company you are going to impact are the ones not at the decision level required to overturn a company decision. And those do not deserve it to catch any of the perceived blame unless they actively instigated something themselves which is very rare to happen *but can happen* That includes people that are perceived as the decision makers for the public like a lead designer position they are not the once ordering the actual change on top level they simply carry out there assigned task and take the brunt of the blame. I have been in hundreds of meetings rarely lies the problem at lower management. But sadly they are the once that are a easy target for the virtual stocks to throw the rotten vegetables at. Do ask critical questions and call out things that are clearly feed lines I am sure you can find them and challenge those.

And lastly keep in mind that a heated argument can also be used as a PR tactic as to make it look like they are reasonable but the protestors are not listening to any company feedback in return. That might also give the excuse for the once that are in control to shutdown feedback related to the specific protest on grounds of that the debate has devolved in a off topic mess.
Which will short-term spawn smaller but not as organized disagreement threads and eventually die down in popularity, reach due to most viewers are not going to track multiple threads on the same problem at a time. I am not saying Nexus will do this but I seen it all to often at other companies.

This is of course all a personal opinion but one from a corporate perspective.

That's a lot of words for roll over and lube up with the diddy juice. 

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17 hours ago, firewolf63 said:

Just remember, there are things we can do.

Cancel your Subscription to Nexus premium
Don't donate any money to them for support.
Get any mods you can through websites that aren't nexus, reduce their traffic flow.
If any alternate websites popup, support them instead.
and if you have no option but to use Nexus, there are ways you can take your ad revenue away from them...

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Only reason their site exists is to make money, it's not altruism for the gaming community, it's for a fat check twice a month to pay for their lifestyle, whatever that happens to be. 

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42 minutes ago, dezerte said:

I don't know if this was the case, though I'm led to believe it is. But it seems only users who joined the beta and used it could give feedback? Users who used it briefly and left the beta were never polled, at least I wasn't. If this was the case, using poll results from people who stayed in the beta would probably skew the results and produce an inaccurate picture of what the average user thought of the new design.

This redesign was probably going to happen either way, but polling all users might have produced other results which could have helped Nexus deal with the current landscape. Now there's a lot of feedback coming in, some bad some good, that could have been useful to Nexus during the beta. It's tricky but I do think it would have been better if all users were polled, or at the very least a specific poll for users who left the beta.

Look, serious question here, if anyone entered the beta and did not like the new design and then left the beta without providing any feedback, then how did they expect their opinion to matter in any way?

Nexus provided a means for people to provide feedback.  In multiple ways over multiple years.  Either you took advantage of it or you didn't.

Now people are asking them to toss out two years worth of invested time and money.  That's very unlikely to happen.  What's likely to happen is that they'll ride out the current storm and then start adjusting the design according to feedback they get that's not "change it all back".  That's what happened last time they made a major change at any rate.

And while I'm sure this thread gives the impression that there is a major revolt against the new design, they have around 100,000 unique daily visitors and it looks like the vast, vast majority have not bothered to express any opinion either for or against the new design.

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4 minutes ago, kleetus92 said:

This is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Only reason their site exists is to make money, it's not altruism for the gaming community, it's for a fat check twice a month to pay for their lifestyle, whatever that happens to be. 

I'll reiterate.  It would take more than 10,000 subscribers to cancel before it would stop removing money from the donation pool and start affecting the company's bottom line.

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