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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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8 minutes ago, dezerte said:

I believe I mentioned this. But in an attempt to clarify what I meant: It could have been a poll with questions addressed specifically for users who left. These questions would have been of different nature than those who polled users who spent a more considerable time in the beta. As I don't know exactly what kind of feedback Nexus was looking for, or were to look for in such a scenario, I can only guess and give examples of questions that could have been useful to Nexus. E.g. "What feature/design choice prompted you to leave the beta and why?"

It was, as far as I remember, a poll available to anyone who tried the beta with a simple "did you like it? yes/no" question and a text field for giving specific feedback.  People can't be forced to give feedback, they have to choose to.

And they still can.  Pretty much the only thing that the Nexus staff is saying "no, that's not an opton" to is the requests to completely roll back the entire design.

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2 hours ago, HadToRegister said:

Which makes the “Search by date range” an invaluable, (and now), necessary feature.

I believe it's already been said, but I can additionally confirm- this is being worked on.

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1 hour ago, showler said:

It was, as far as I remember, a poll available to anyone who tried the beta with a simple "did you like it? yes/no" question and a text field for giving specific feedback.  People can't be forced to give feedback, they have to choose to.

And they still can.  Pretty much the only thing that the Nexus staff is saying "no, that's not an opton" to is the requests to completely roll back the entire design.

Maybe there was but I must have missed it then.

And indeed, people are giving their feedback in this topic. I was more referring to before the live rollout, how more feedback could have perhaps helped mitigate some of the issues going on (e.g. category defaults on Search) and the overall reception of the change.

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22 minutes ago, ZOleg73 said:

Listen, who are you? Try living in a country that's at war when your friends are dying, and then f*#@ off!

Not the problem. If you wanna talk about the Russia-Ukraine war, this is NOT the place to do it. Showler had a point in that it isn't at all related to what's being talked about here.

Go talk about it elsewhere, and do not be a prick about it.


Не в этом проблема. Если вы хотите поговорить о войне России и Украины, то это НЕ то место, где это можно сделать. Showler был прав, когда говорил, что это вообще не связано с тем, о чем здесь говорят.

Идите и говорите об этом в другом месте, и не будьте придурком.

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1 minute ago, OmegaModelZXA said:

Не в этом проблема. Если вы хотите поговорить о войне России и Украины, то это НЕ то место, где это можно сделать. Showler был прав, когда говорил, что это вообще не связано с тем, о чем здесь говорят.

Идите и говорите об этом в другом месте, и не будьте придурком.

Слышь  -  я сам решу что мне говорить. А ты иди у зели своего спроси. А то вдруг ТЦКбусик приедет🤣

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i used nexusmods recently and it was fine, but suddenly it had a strange layout when i used it today. i kept trying to refresh and go back and forth but it seems like something is wrong with the layout?
the listed mods are very large for some reason so i think there's some sort of loading error. also can't seem to find any bug reports solution to this so i posted this.

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