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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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The lack of borders on UI elements and the pitch black background on the game main page and search pages really messes with my eyes. It needs to be a lighter color and not straight #00000. If you want to do an AMOLED themed style please just make that an OPTION instead of the default, because it keeps making me think my monitor viewing angle is wrong and colors aren't being portrayed properly.

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I understand the desire to change how the site looks to update older elements. That doesn't bother me that much, I'll get used to it eventually. My complaint is with the basic controls and function. I the past when I went to a games page I would get a page of the updated for the last few dates up to X number of mods. Now I get the mods sorted but clicking the "view more mods" button does not actually show me "more mods" it just shows the same previous page but page numbers that I have to click to get the actual second page to see "more". And If I want to see the updated mods I have to circle back to the first page and then rinse and repeat on the updated page. 

Very poor design function change. Hopefully this can be fixed.

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While I entirely understand why y'all may not desire to include a "legacy" or "accessibility" mode since you'd have to additionally maintain support for that, especially given the massive size of the site and variety of pages it has, people who have vision issues can currently only gain recourse to the updated UI using stylesheets addons that most of those people who need them are going to have absolutely no idea even exist.  

I also realize that if Nexus Mods mentions any sort of third-party solution, a massive portion of users erroneously will interpret that to mean Nexus Mods creates and/or supports or develops it but... People who would really appreciate better accessibility support probably don't have an option to not need the accessibility support, you know?

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One of the biggest complaints is the harshness on the eyes. However people saying it brings QoL improvements has clearly not used the website. The beta had many QoL improvements which are completely absent in the current version. It baffles me that the mods are comparing the complaints of the current version with the beta. You do not compare a finished product to a half baked product with less functional than the original. 

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I've been coming to this site daily for well over a decade now. I've seen the UI change countless times, and while it's usually taken me time to get used to new changes, I always found that they were ultimately for the better.

The latest update however, is pretty bad. 

I don't mean to downtalk whoever worked on this, and I certainly do not wish to be a downer. As a user I always appreciate how dedicated the staff here are to providing a fantastic experience for us, and (most) of the decisions they make seems to reflect that. Though, the headstrong attitude of their communication can sometimes leave much to be desired. 

While this new update has the best of intentions I'm sure, it is leagues worse than the previous UI. 

It's smaller, actively harder to read, and devoid of any and all personality. I was already a bit miffed that they removed the colors of buttons on certain game's pages, but now every bit of identity has been scrubbed. I feel like I'm browsing a something like epicfreefortnitemods.net or something than anything else. Outside of the aesthetic differences, which are subjective, I genuinely find it difficult to read the font when it's contrasted with such a strange choice of gradient. 

I hope that we will get the option to rollback to the previous layout, or have the update rolled back entirely. This UI feels like it would work wonders in Vortex, something that is made to be a streamlined app, but it simply does not feel good to use for regular browsing.

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On 3/10/2025 at 9:45 PM, LummoxJR said:

Free style sheet for use with the Stylus extension, or whatever equivalent you have:


It covers mod pages and mod listings. I didn't explore much else with the beta so I'm sure I'll find other things to update when more of it rolls out.

💯 Thank you for this! You need a solid way to let everyone know when you have updates to the mod of the mods! 

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