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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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10 hours ago, pilonexyz said:

Tried to replicate the old UI feel with Stylus extension on Firefox using LummoxJR template as a base.

Adjusted the horizontal spacing between images, made the title text to be on 1 row only and put back the orange.

This is what i got:



Care to share the code changes?

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For nearly two weeks now, I have been attempting to upload updates to four different mods. Each time I think I am ready to do it, the change in contrast and new "ultra" dark mode leave me backing away and reaching for an aspirin. The forums are also on the dark side, I grant you, but the difference is that I do not have any obligation to spend the same intense amount of time here as I do when formatting pages for the umpteenth time or monitoring comment sections.

What I loved best about the Nexus was the chance to reach out to others through this medium and the ability to be creative, especially being able to do so in a way that few other modding websites allow. Much of that has been severely hampered by the site update, if not eliminated forever.

I intend to maintain what I have shared here because I have no wish to harm anyone who enjoyed my work or cared enough to create patches for it, but the prospect of sharing anything new here is dubious at best.

Please reconsider this update.

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6 hours ago, showler said:

Yep.  Angry people come and post.  Sometimes, happy people come and post (at about the same rate that the "endorse" mods, so you know how low that is).  People who are indifferent to the changes do nothing.  That's why polling has to be random.

Yeah, jerrymandering is certainly a solution when you know the peoples vote won't be in your favor.

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Please I've been here for over 10 years, revert to the old UI. I beg of you on behalf of the community and the new-comers. Like I'm all for site improvements, but if something ain't broke don't "fix" it. I'm sure there is even some out there who would gladly pay to have the old UI back! XD

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Wow. Like 40 new pages since my last post and 99% of them share my dislike of the new look and like 1% are weirdly offended that people don't like it.

If you like it that's fine, but being nasty or unpleasant is hardly a way to win others over to your side.

That being said, I would think that 145 pages of negative sentiment would send a pretty strong message of how the community feels.

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Why not add a toggle to allow users to toggle between the old and new UI? Would allow users to choose whichever they prefer while keeping the work done on the new UI. The new UI has a fresh coat of paint, although in doing so removes a lot of QoL from the older UI.

For example:

  • Searching used to have the results appear in a dynamic box underneath the search bar. Now, it covers the entire page and disrupts workflow.
  • You used to be able to filter mod results through certain date ranges, now you are at max only able to filter to a year.
  • The old UI was compatible with night mode from browser extensions. Now with the new UI, the page blends in so that it is hard to distinguish things like the menu tabs, which results in you needing to specifically disable the extension for nexus.
  • Not ADA compliant - everything I develop for work has to be audited by a third party to be ADA compliant so those with impairments can navigate the site. The main thing is ensuring screen readers can access every element of the page. Currently, you can't tab to a mod's description from the mod browsing page nor can you view the dates for it from that page. On the mod page itself? Don't even get me started, the page might as well be invisible to those with screen readers.
  • Breadcrumb doesn't ever go beyond "Home > [Game] > Mod" like it used to on the old UI. You used to be able to see filter tags in the UI like "Home > [Game] > Mod > Weapons". This makes it inconsistent with the mod page which has this.

A toggle to the old UI would allow you to gather feedback in order to make adjustments, while reducing friction from the community with forced changes. Dropping support for the old UI while allowing access via a toggle would be the best of both worlds.

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1 hour ago, RockAndRollAndStone said:

Why not add a toggle to allow users to toggle between the old and new UI? Would allow users to choose whichever they prefer while keeping the work done on the new UI. The new UI has a fresh coat of paint, although in doing so removes a lot of QoL from the older UI.

For example:

  • Searching used to have the results appear in a dynamic box underneath the search bar. Now, it covers the entire page and disrupts workflow.
  • You used to be able to filter mod results through certain date ranges, now you are at max only able to filter to a year.
  • The old UI was compatible with night mode from browser extensions. Now with the new UI, the page blends in so that it is hard to distinguish things like the menu tabs, which results in you needing to specifically disable the extension for nexus.
  • Not ADA compliant - everything I develop for work has to be audited by a third party to be ADA compliant so those with impairments can navigate the site. The main thing is ensuring screen readers can access every element of the page. Currently, you can't tab to a mod's description from the mod browsing page nor can you view the dates for it from that page. On the mod page itself? Don't even get me started, the page might as well be invisible to those with screen readers.
  • Breadcrumb doesn't ever go beyond "Home > [Game] > Mod" like it used to on the old UI. You used to be able to see filter tags in the UI like "Home > [Game] > Mod > Weapons". This makes it inconsistent with the mod page which has this.

A toggle to the old UI would allow you to gather feedback in order to make adjustments, while reducing friction from the community with forced changes. Dropping support for the old UI while allowing access via a toggle would be the best of both worlds.

Now this is concise and valuable feedback. Which means it will be ignored, obviously. The mods don't care about the site looking good or working well, that much has become obvious.

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6 hours ago, Khaalis said:

Care to share the code changes?

This is the modified CSS code, will try to publish also on https://userstyles.world

Please note i'm not a professional and i'm with very basic CSS knowledge and i tried to do my best.

You can get the code here:


Edited by pilonexyz
previous code was bad formatted
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