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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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1 hour ago, JustThatKing said:

For those of you having performance issues with scrolling in the browser, we've made some adjustments that should significantly improve your performance. 

We have removed many of the CSS Blurs, particularly the mod tile images. Whilst we thought these blurs look good and provided a consistent experience for mod images when they were non-standard aspect ratios, they were affecting performance.

These changes should improve performance drastically, particularly in Firefox and non-GPU-accelerated browsers.


Why are you ignoring all of the requests for a UI revert toggle?

There are evidently a significant amount of your userbase who despise this change.

You seem to simply be ignoring our protests.

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12 minutes ago, papoilool said:

Why does everything have to turn into this...?

Simple the devs only care for their vision and opinion on this matter. And not the community. ( Which they would never admit. )

Forcing the people to speak out. Even those that are normally good, logical, rule abiding and friendly.

They forgot what made Nexus what it is today.

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2 minutes ago, hymhym said:

I've been modding for a long time. I still remember life before Nexus, and I can see an absence of Nexus in my life in the future. All it takes is for a less annoying option to pop up.

All I really use Nexus for these days is Skyrim. Sure, I sometimes download something for some other game I run modded, but most of my non-Skyrim-based mods I already get elsewhere. And I am so ready for something else to take the place of Skyrim in my life. 14 years of playing one game is long enough.

And seeing how Bethesda is trying to take control of the mod scene for their games, Nexus really should be thinking real hard about how to retain their relevancy in the future.

Sure, the official mod service for Starfield sucks, but... Well, TES6 is still a fair way away, and who knows? Maybe they'll manage to get their act together by then and offer a decent mod publishing platform for both paid and unpaid mods. And if they do, then Nexus will become obsolete. Everyone will just use the official mod page for most of their mod needs.

The thing to keep in mind is that at this point, we do not use Nexus because we want to; we use it because we have to. Many of us are actively looking for alternate options already. All it takes is for some entrepreneurial person to go about setting an alternate option. It's not like Nexus has a copyright on the mod page concept. All it takes is for a decent alternative that is less PITA to use to appear, and Nexus will lose its hold on the modding scene.

While the demise of Nexus is quite unlikely to be around the next corner, the thing with collapses is that they are always sudden and seem to come unexpected. Except they are not. If you pay attention, you can see the telltale signs of an imminent collapse. Hubris of the people in charge is a common sign. Unrest and unhappiness of the people is another. If those in charge keep ignoring the wishes and needs of the people, then things get pushed to the brink, and people will migrate elsewhere the moment a chance presents itself.

That's why things like this UI debacle matter. It is pushing people to look for alternatives. It is setting up Nexus for a collapse. It won't cause it on its own, but it will certainly hasten things. So please, do yourselves a favor and listen to us on this matter. It's okay to admit that some experiments were a failure, revert back and try something else instead. This UI is not working; revert to back to the old one. It wasn't perfect, but better than this. Re-think the whole thing and try again in the fall or something.

Look at Steam as a good inspiration on this topic. There is a lot to criticize about Steam, but... They do a pretty good job of keeping their customers happy. Happy to the point that something like Epic Game failed to make any kind of dent into Steam's market share. despite the enormous amount of money they spent on their bid. Despite all the free games they offered to people in hopes of luring them away from Steam. Steam, with all its flaws, was just too comfortable and easy to use for people to change ships.

Steam has always understood that their business model is in service, and they do their darnest to make sure that using Steam is as painless as possible. And if something is making people be unhappy and restless... Then, they take steps to mitigate it ASAP. Keeping people happy is their first priority, always, and it keeps making them oodles of money in return.

I wish I could say the same about Nexus... But I can't. So, to any site staff who might read this, keep this in mind - the more miserable you make your users' experience, the lower the hurdle needs to be for people to switch services once an alternative appears.

Couldnt have said it better...

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2 minutes ago, Shardoom said:


Why are you ignoring all of the requests for a UI revert toggle?

There are evidently a significant amount of your userbase who despise this change.

You seem to simply be ignoring our protests.

From the CM on Reddit, we've gotten two statements about this.

One, it's 100% not going to happen because they don't want to support two websites simultaneously.  They then ignore people pointing to old.reddit as an example where Reddit does not support it anymore but it's there for those that want it under the understanding it may lose functionality over time and they're out of luck if so.

Two, they just recently implied that they've now made backend changes that would make the old front end not function.  I don't claim to know the validity of those claims, just repeating them here.

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4 minutes ago, jmharris said:

Just for fun, a Stylus extension for list view.



Nothing official about this, do not construe as a comment on anything, no warranty, yadda yadda.

That list view already makes browsing mod a whole lot better.
Revert the Quick Search next, that would be GREAT!

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Just now, jmharris said:

Just for fun, a Stylus extension for list view.



Nothing official about this, do not construe as a comment on anything, no warranty, yadda yadda.

On one hand I want to thank you while on another I want to know why you can do this but not just stick it on the website by default, everyone would rather have list view.

Better yet add it as a setting either in the account section or just on the mods list page as a compromise.

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3 hours ago, HeyYou said:

So, how many of the games nexus hosts mods for, can be played on a phone? So, if that number is pretty tiny, why is it we ALL have to suffer an interface designed for a platform that most of the games WON'T play on??? Is this all about serving up ads to folks on their phones? (I.E. Revenue.....) This reminds me a lot of Windows 8..... No one really liked it on their desktop, as it was primarily designed for tablets, and such. And once again, If I wanted a Tablet operating system, I would buy a friggin tablet...... However, I DON'T want one..... I run on a desktop, you know, a 'gaming machine', with a real monitor. Give me an interface that can actually USE it.

I rather like the idea of making this a CHOICE, and allowing those that want to, to revert back to the 'old' interface. After all, aren't 'updates' supposed to imply 'improvement'??? From where I am sitting, the only folks that seem to think the new one is better, are nexus staff....... The users seem to be universally panning it.

Granted, I am sure Robin doesn't wanna flush all that development money down the toilet..... and supporting two interfaces can be complex....... But, it is obvious to me, this is what 'the people' want..... you know, the folks that actually SUPPORT this site.

Putting on my tinfoil hat, maybe they want you to use the site on your phones more so they get more access to things you do on your phone with tracking cookies?

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