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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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People visiting Nexus on computer are mostly doing it at home.  Phones, however, go everywhere with you--work, restaurants, school, anywhere you are "waiting" therefore Nexus can potentially be available quite a lot through the phone.  No doubt creating a larger usage which generates more income that would not be there otherwise.  Nothing wrong with Nexus wanting to make more money.   This also is a plus for at least 40% of users who visit Nexus on the phone.  That is no small number for phone usage and can't just be ignored.

Ideally, there will be a reasonable balance resulting in a decent desktop interface for the website that can also be usable for the phone.  

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52 minutes ago, jmharris said:

Who knew, modding is fun! @LummoxJR has posted some styles for this as well.

This might get you started: https://github.com/j-m-harris/nexusmods-stylus/blob/main/classic.js


No comment on the new UI intended, this is not reflective of any internal development, no warranty implied or given, etc. This is entirely a quick hack, not tested at different breakpoints, against accessibility guidelines, etc.

But it is fun to play with. 😃

This stylus mod looks way better good job. 

It honestly makes me think that the website changes were made while looking at it on a uncalibrated monitor. 

Edited by sagohi
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Here is the stylus script combining the two classic style with vertical grid:

.sm\:typography-heading-lg {
    font-size: 1.5rem;
    font-weight: 400;
.typography-body-xl {
    font-size: 1rem;
.typography-body-lg {
    font-size: 0.85rem;
.typography-body-md {
    font-size: .75rem;

#mainContent {
    > div.relative > div.next-container.relative {
        background-color: #434343;
        > div.pb-20.pt-8 > section[aria-labelledby="more-mods-header"] > div.border-stroke-weak.border-t.pt-4 > div.xs\:items-start.mb-6.flex.flex-col.gap-2.sm\:flex-row > div:after {
            background: none;
    > div.relative > div.next-container-fluid {
        background-color: #434343;
        > div.border-stroke-subdued {
            padding-bottom: 0;
            border-bottom: none;
        > div.border-stroke-subdued > div.flex {
            margin-top: 0.5em;
        > div.border-stroke-subdued > div.flex > div.flex {
            column-gap: 0.75em;
        > div.border-stroke-subdued > div.flex > div.flex > img {
            height: 2rem;
        > div.border-stroke-subdued > div.flex > div.flex > div.w-full > h3 {
            display: none;
        > div.sm\:flex {
            > div.peer\/filters,
            > div.w-full {
                padding-top: 1em;

    /* Combined mods-grid styles */
    div.mods-grid {
        /* From the first code: horizontal grid layout */
        grid-template-columns: none;
        row-gap: 1.5rem;
        /* (Optional) Add a column gap if desired */
        column-gap: 0.8rem;

        > div.group\/mod-tile {
            /* Combined settings */
            min-height: 217px;
            background-color: #373737;

            > div.relative {
                width: 385px;
                position: absolute;

            > div.px-3.pb-5.pt-3,
            > div.min-h-8.px-3 {
                padding-left: 400px;

                > div.divide-y > div.flex {
                    display: inline-block;
                    vertical-align: top;
                    padding-right: 1.5rem;

                    > a {
                        vertical-align: top;
                    > p.text-neutral-subdued {
                        vertical-align: top;
                        display: inline-block;
                        padding-right: 1.5rem;

                        > svg {
                            display: inline-block;
                            margin-right: 3px;

            /* Additional tweaks from the second snippet */
            > div.px-3.pb-5.pt-3 {
                padding-bottom: 0.75rem;
            > div.relative > a > div.group\/image {
                background-color: #2c2e2d !important;
            > div.min-h-8 {
                background-color: #2c2e2d;
            > div.relative > a > div.group\/image:hover > img {
                transform: none;
            a {
                color: #da944c;
                font-weight: 600;
            time {
                color: #efedf0;
            p[data-e2eid="mod-tile-updated"] {
                svg {
                    display: none;
                &::before {
                    content: "Last update:";
                    color: #737270;
            p[data-e2eid="mod-tile-uploaded"] {
                svg {
                    display: none;
                &::before {
                    content: "Uploaded:";
                    color: #737270;


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1 hour ago, NexBeth said:

People visiting Nexus on computer are mostly doing it at home.  Phones, however, go everywhere with you--work, restaurants, school, anywhere you are "waiting" therefore Nexus can potentially be available quite a lot through the phone.  No doubt creating a larger usage which generates more income that would not be there otherwise.  Nothing wrong with Nexus wanting to make more money.   This also is a plus for at least 40% of users who visit Nexus on the phone.  That is no small number for phone usage and can't just be ignored.

Ideally, there will be a reasonable balance resulting in a decent desktop interface for the website that can also be usable for the phone.  

That is very true, and I suspect your reasoning is spot on. However..... FORCING EVERYONE to use the 'mobile version' just isn't what I consider a "good idea".....


I am still advocating for giving users a CHOICE of which version they wanna use, the new 'mobilized' version, or the old one, that look FAR better on PC screens.....


But, as has been the trend in this thread, the staff that DO respond, do NOT say a single word about this possibility. They are only dealing with relatively minor issues with the current version, totally ignoring everything else.

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TBH I was kinda surprised I got singled out for a reply. Guess I am the token  everyman cause I made comments about. If you didn't throw them money you don't exist. Do I think anything I said matters to them at all. Other than the one little tidbit they could take as a concession. While continuing to mindlessly march forward pushing this shiz? Nope, not a single word mattered at all. Most of us are probably wasting our energy. But better to waste it than be complacent and steamrolled without trying. We will be ignored XD.

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Has this UI update somehow changed how long trending (previously hot files) are displayed for?

I see a mod that was uploaded on 19th March at 10:11am still occupying a trending spot (last 7 days). Previously, that would have fallen off at exactly 10:11am on March 26th but it's still there. Same for a few other trending mods too.

Are they now displayed until the end of day on the 7th day? Or something else?

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