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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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I really hate the new redesign, it has the same soulless corpo style that way too many other websites have been adopting to increase user engagement via ad revenue by kneecapping basic features. Pretty sure this is called enshittification.

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1 hour ago, showler said:

For comedy purposes, here's a thread from 2017 where people are complaining about what a horrible redesign the new site is.  That new site is, of course, the one you are all saying we need to go back to because it's so much better than the new, new one.   Ever the same.


I went back through the Wayback Machine and gave the Nexus a look through for every year. All the others when you put everything side by side looks like real natural evolution. This new one is very different from the rest, the rest are essentially the same thing with slight variation. They were all perfectly usable, visible, stylish and functional. I will take any other version that the new one, they all at least show more content on screen, literally every single one, I counted.

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1 hour ago, showler said:

For comedy purposes, here's a thread from 2017 where people are complaining about what a horrible redesign the new site is.  That new site is, of course, the one you are all saying we need to go back to because it's so much better than the new, new one.   Ever the same.


To this day I'd still rather use the pre-2017 design. The latest is somehow even worse than the 2017 one.

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I can understand you are designing this to be "visual" for people that prefer that - but why force that view on everyone?  Its laughable that the head of design says, "If you're solely focused on mods, it’s easy to forget that users browse other types of content too" - you guys remember your name, right?  NexusMods.  That is why the majority of us visited the website first. 

Keep the design if that is what you want - but please give us functionality to make the Collections and Trending Mods tiles smaller.  I don't want to have to scroll just to see the latest updates.  Or a hyper-link so we can skip past them to the full mod links.

Heck, if not I hope there is some alternative browser, or some extension for browsers to hide what now feels like clutter. 

Actually, if there is no ability to customise the tile size, what it will likely drive is that I automatically go to the game, '/mods' pages and completely avoid the main mod link.  So skip over needing to see the collection/trending clutter.  Which is likely the opposite from what you are wanting to do.

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Definitely have to agree with most of the posts in disliking the changes I see today. It looks like an attempt to be exactly like Mod.io, which IMHO is a crappy site design. I hate the mod.io layout.  The old (from yesterday) design here was great.

If its not broken, don't fix it. No one asked for these changes.

PS: To add, the one thing I HATE the most is the changes to the Tracked markers for Downloaded/Update Available. They are hard to spot, especially the 'Downloaded' just being a check mark. Also the White background does not pop nearly enough. The old Orange banner markers were far better.

The cards are also poorly spaced and take up far more space then they need. 

PSS: After looking at this some more, as UI/UX designer all I can say is ROLL IT BACK. Listen to your users and don't force changes no one wants.

Edited by Khaalis
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I understand that you want to make it more modern and easy to scroll with mobile, but let's not forget it's a PC modding website. I think the front page has too much scrolling needed to reach the end; also, it feels like there is no structure, like a word doc written by a young student. Getting rid of the color theme for Skyrim makes me feel uneasy and annoyed. I think you must keep the old color theme for all the most modded games.

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