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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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6 hours ago, Appellations said:

I'd like to piggy-back off of this and note that the central reason I even bothered to post is due to this ridiculous smoke and mirrors game that the staff appear to be playing. The UI bothers me, that's for damn sure, but if the official responses had been upfront, honest, and non-hostile I would've shrugged it off after skimming the thread and went about my week.


Instead we get:

  • There's been an allegedly public poll that maxed out on votes instantly. 
  • There is a crowd of people that are consistently providing positive feedback. 
  • The Nexus staff is apparently in frequent contact with them. 
  • This is all happening on an easily accessible platform that we should be aware of.
  • Negative posts are not being purged to protect the impression of a positive response.


If this is all true, a little proof would go a long way to fostering some good will.

In short Rigging the votes to show the people that they are right.

And even if they did, probably its not majority of the people.

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On 3/13/2025 at 8:03 AM, mfPixel said:

Hey everyone, head of design at Nexus Mods here - thanks for all the feedback so far.

I wanted to provide some context for the recent search changes. The old search system made switching between content types (e.g., games and mods) difficult, and only the "Mods" category had a results preview. The new quick search improves this by making it easier to browse all content types while allowing you to preview more results.

We designed the new modal to be highly visual. During testing, we experimented with a more compact list view, but most users preferred larger thumbnails, as images are often the key factor when scanning for mods, collections, and especially images. If you're solely focused on mods, it’s easy to forget that users browse other types of content too.

Quality-of-Life Improvements

  • You can now activate search instantly with the `/` hotkey and dismiss it with `Esc` for quick access.
  • Keyboard navigation is coming soon, so you’ll be able to search and browse without a mouse (if that's your thing).
  • Search is now much better at handling inexact queries (e.g., “baldurs gate” without an apostrophe) and includes keyword matching (e.g., “fo3” will return Fallout 3).

The general feedback was very positive in testing and during the closed and open beta periods. It’s been interesting to hear from people saying it’s helped them discover more new mods than they previously would have. I understand that this is a big change visually from what you’re used to - there is some extra functionality to coming where the initial screen will show your recent searches and saved games. This will make the modal feel less empty when first opened.

Why the Colour Changes?

The updated colours are part of a broader design transition. We’re rolling out brand-new pages soon, and these changes help make the experience more seamless when switching between old and new designs.

For those who have been using the site for years, we know big updates can be jarring—I’ve had the same reaction to changes on sites I love! But these updates are necessary to modernise the site’s core architecture, allowing us to build and release new features more efficiently. We really appreciate all your feedback and are excited to keep improving Nexus Mods.

Hi, design person, artist and retired signwriter here. Constructive crit with some humour (I hope) coming up!

Although it's not exactly about the mod pages, it does relate to the home page with all the info graphics on. The little images are mostly absolutely fine but what sticks in my professional craw is the words that are split onto two lines:



No no no!

I was always told that splitting a word like this is bad form. Every time I see this, I cringe. It looks bad and unprofessional. Better to make the word smaller and fit it into one line, really. Maybe I'm old-fashioned (I am old after all!) but please, stop splitting title words into those two lines. Please don't see this as trolling, I really just hate it though.

Two words, two lines is fine. One word split onto two lines, bad.

AlienSlof 🙂 

PS - loving being purple! It's my fave colour!

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