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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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41 minutes ago, NexBeth said:

t's 2025, not 2000.  Most gamers have smartphones and do use them for gaming related activities.

Quite right, which is why there is NO EXCUSE in designing a website for phones only or PC only. It is now perfectly possible to design a website in such a way that it changes layout based on screen size. Oh yeah - that's what they call "responsive". And that change of layout is not limited to switching from three columns to four, it can be quite extensive. Of course, that requires more work which is apparently not worth it.

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I really like the new look and UI, it's so much smoother, looks great and modern (slight P*rnhub vibes, but that's okay....i mean that's what a uh...a friend...told me, so...), and it's much easier to navigate/coordinate mods and "modpack" curating. 10/10

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4 hours ago, LenaWolfBravil said:

 Of course, that requires more work which is apparently not worth it.

Are they finished working on it?  Shouldn't these types of topics and the Feedback board be closed down then if the work is done?

I don't know anything about web design and what is and isn't possible, but I don't see complaining about too much empty space 20x a day in feedback topics productive, particularly when questioning why does Nexus give consideration to smartphones.  I'm pretty sure they've seen the complaint enough times to have it drilled into their brains forevermore by now.

A lot of feedback from members here have been implement.  

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I'd like to add to other that have pointed out the ability to hide the collections section.  I never use collections (To much of a mod control freak, lol) and would like the space back for my browsing.  The page already has a LOT of wasted space.  

One other thing, as with the old page, the beta site does the same thing.  Allow me to click anywhere to close the popup when I track a mod.  It's such a small thing but it just erks me that you have to click the "x" to make it go away.  Below is a screenshot of the offending little box.  😁

I don't mind the new site, but I have to say I still prefer the old one (nostalgia, stubbornness?  You choose).  I do understand the need for an update.  It's been a looooong time coming.  However, I think it could be a little more compact.


2025-02-23 02_27_24-Natural Hair Colors at Kenshi Nexus - Mods and Community.png

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Waste of screen space, no tangible improvement of functionality in any way on my end to yield even a net positive.

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Just so the designers are aware how people use the site.  When reading forums or checking on messages, people often use both the PC and the smart phone to check on messaging.

When actually modding their game to play, they are almost exclusively using the PC because they are typically playing the game from their PC. They are downloading mods, installing with a mod manager, moving files, etc. and so are using the desktop browser.

Please keep this in mind when skewing the design towards mobile.  Mobile is almost always a secondary use of the site. 

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1 hour ago, Wolfpack49 said:

When actually modding their game to play, they are almost exclusively using the PC because they are typically playing the game from their PC. They are downloading mods, installing with a mod manager, moving files, etc. and so are using the desktop browser.

Nexus said last year (when the user profiles was changed) that "PCs will always remain our highest priority".


We are making the site more mobile friendly, but this is not at the expense of PC users. Modding happens on PCs, so this will always remain our highest priority. 40% of our site visitors are using a mobile, we want both sets of users to have a good experience. Many of the changes we've made to the page are not specifically to make the page more mobile friendly, but to improve the readability, usability and accessibility on desktop.

You can find Iluviel's comment (that I just quoted) on page 2 of the comments here: https://www.nexusmods.com/news/14955

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