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Reinstituting Raptors into Society


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I think it speaks for itself.


But here how I would go around to doing it. Jurraisic park style, I would create several breeds of raptors, as to make sure where one fails the other succeeds, and place them in rather sparsely populated or just plain wild areas. They will then grow to outstanding numbers due to their dominanting species.


After exhausting their resources, they will spread out, thus invading human territory. The timing is crucial, but I don't believe humanity would be prepared to face raptors in such dispersed multitude.


Btw, this is done for humanitarian reasons:

Less fat people, for obvious reasons.

More exercise, put Michelle Obama out of her job.

If you are one that is a particular believer in evolution, this will break the stagnation that society has on the survival of the fittest.

Overpopulation will be solved.

More quality family time.

Less lag caused by over traffic on the inter webs.

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I don't even think I can find anything to reply to this. If you are trying to be funny it has fallen flat in my opinion. If you are in earnest, then it doesn't deserve comment though I must say your basic premise is faulty logic and falls apart before it even gets to the "fat people."

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I don't even think I can find anything to reply to this.

Let me try...


If these are super intelligent raptors with retractable wings and laserbeams then we can talk about "dominanting species".


Until then Humans will be roasting these raptors on the BBQ getting fatter.

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I think it speaks for itself.


But here how I would go around to doing it. Jurraisic park style, I would create several breeds of raptors, as to make sure where one fails the other succeeds, and place them in rather sparsely populated or just plain wild areas. They will then grow to outstanding numbers due to their dominanting species.


After exhausting their resources, they will spread out, thus invading human territory. The timing is crucial, but I don't believe humanity would be prepared to face raptors in such dispersed multitude.


Btw, this is done for humanitarian reasons:

Less fat people, for obvious reasons.

More exercise, put Michelle Obama out of her job.

If you are one that is a particular believer in evolution, this will break the stagnation that society has on the survival of the fittest.

Overpopulation will be solved.

More quality family time.

Less lag caused by over traffic on the inter webs.



If you are trying to start a debate on how to address over population and obesity in a "humanitarian" way, Introducing Raptors as a way to control population is far from being humane if the idea is that you would want these creatures to kill off the populous...


If you ask me seriously how to address these issues, a start would be to promote people to use "contraceptives" and stop corporations from putting and hiding highly "addictive" refined sugars into our foods...


Lets face it no matter what we do it's in human nature to have sex. So why not encourage people to plan for when they "want" to have children instead of trying to force a society into the consequences of what will indefinitely happen without using contraceptives in a sexual relationship....


Food corporations over the years have duped the public with foods concentrated with manufactured addictive additives in their sugars which cause the equivalent craving which one would have from consuming cocaine. This ultimately causes people to actually crave these unhealthy sugars and not actually the "food" they are consuming... Besides needing exercise, this problem needs to stop with our foods being polluted with addictive refined sugars....

Edited by colourwheel
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About the only thing which humans have been overly successful on all accounts is in regards to their ability to kill. Raptors would be no exception. So long as you didn't have endangered species groups interfering, they would be extinct faster than you could clone and mature them. More over, due to our human bloodlust and our interest in participating in behaviors which are life threatening, there would be people lining up to fight these raptors for sport. Even overweight, elderly, infirm, or mentally disabled people could pay to bag a few from the safety of a bunker.

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