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I guess I'm hoping for either Elsweyr or Summerset Isles.


The Summerset Isles are probably pretty sweet, seems like there would be a lot of power there with the Altmer and their strong magical attunement. If it is there and they name it by province, it may be better if they name the game Elder Scrolls VI: Alinor instead, as thats another name for Summerset Isles. Kinda sounds better in my opinion.


Elsweyr would be interesting because they would have to introduce all of the different types of Khajiit. There are some Khajiit that even look almost like ordinary elves from a distance. Could make some very interesting choices in race, and we could see their cultrual differences as well. Not to mention all the bizarre and dangerous creatures that inhabit the province.


Even better, why not put two adjoining provinces into one game? Like Elsweyr and Valenwood for example?


Two out of the three provinces mentioned above would be perfect, in my opinion. Based upon the events in the previous instalment, it is most likely that a new war with the Thalmor/Aldmeri Dominion is on the cards, so The Elder Scrolls Part VI: Alinor is the best likely continuance of the saga. The potential of the Summerset Isles is great, with as another poster suggests, ship-based gameplay, because that is the perfect introduction of the Maomer, having them in the game creating some hazards and some excellent story-telling. Plus of course, the time is right/ripe to explore the Psijic Order and the Island of Artaem.


The Psijic Order has a schism worth exploring (remember the Psijic Monks who assisted the Dovahkiin during the College of Winterhold questline). Very similar in my mind to the story of the Time Lords on Gallifrey, while they have their directive of non-interference, some rogues have left the cloisters to make changes - for good or for ill; thus introducing a rogue Psijic monk causing chaos in the archipelago, which could potentially affect the entire continent of Tamriel or even all of Mundus!


We all know - those of us who know Skyrim inside out - that the Altmer have different factions and so not every Altmer is a Thalmor. Thus it must be difficult for non-Thalmor to interact with the world at large without people automatically thinking they were the enemy. So exploring the different factions that must still exist in smaller number would be most interesting. As the previous poster also highlighted, the Altmer are very well attuned to magic and thus their abilities must extend beyond the limits of the current magic system. For example, out-of-body experiences, transcendence, soul transference from one vessel or body to another; these were touched upon in the Dragonborn DLC as it is clear that the player's soul transports to Apochrypha not their physical selves. What if the Altmer could do this at will?


I hesitate to mention the daedra at this point, after all, we have experienced some of their handiwork, which daedra would have a part in this new storyline?


Finally, the player would have to interact with the Imperial forces and the Dominion's forces, so what part would the PC play?




Additionally, the second province I would love to see explored, if the Alinor setting was not realised, would be Elsweyr. I love the Khajiit characters and it would be magic to see the most diverse of the provinces in terms of climates. We could explore so much in that setting especially how their society works. Different species of Khajiit is the most obvious to explore, so would that in turn create a race-based caste system?


Ultimately, with the advent of bigger, better, faster computers and gaming platforms, I can't wait to see what they come up with!

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Elder Scrolls VI: Artaem?
Just a thought...
But yeah, The PC has to start off as a prisoner, following with Elder Scrolls tradition, so maybe a prisoner of war?

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I hesitate to mention the daedra at this point, after all, we have experienced some of their handiwork, which daedra would have a part in this new storyline?





This, I really hope we see some more of the daedra's relm's in this game, And that they actually play a role in the story's events this time. In Skyrim, Hermaeus Mora was used the most out of all of them, so it seems like bethesda was planing on him being Important in ES:6. And since theres a chance that the world really cold end in the next game, I have a feeling that that's something Mora would really want to see.


Aside from that though, I hope we get a chance to visit The Quagmire, Cold Harbor (They owe us after how the MMO turned out), Umbriel, and The hunting grounds, since these are some of the most unique areas we have yet to see.

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2 provinces in one would also take away from the money which could be made from a following game. It might seem drawn out and silly but if they made a TES game every 5ish years i'm very curious how games will be by the time they wrap up all the provinces.

Also, due to the fact i have no clue about TES literature, I really don't know which province could provide the best game setting. Is there a province that might be harder to make a great game out of???...i'm sure they wouldn't want to end on a more dull province.

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Anywhere but online?


Unless they can devise some way to play online *with mods* in which (unlikely) case I look forward to fighting alongside some of you :laugh:


Hmmm. What are the possibilities of TES VI having tie-ins with TESO? Say, if you participate in a certain battle/quest/raid whatever, you get some sort of perk (or literally a perk) for your character in TES VI.


Just a thought...

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Maybe an Expedition to another continent, like Akavir, or maybe rebuild Atmora.


Eeeeh... Tamriel is super, super important in TES cosmology, and we're still not done with it. Once we've seen every province (not including Arena, Arena was barely a TES game) then we may see another continent. Until then, i think they're best sticking to Tamriel.

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