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Is anyone interested in doing themed poetry?


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I used to mod the TP part of the poetry/story/art section on a board I was a member of. We would do what we called TP or themed poetry. For example if the theme was "love" those participating would write a poem about love. Of course in their own style of poetry and choice of words in handling the theme. Say if the theme was to write a haiku about "Lies or Lying, Liars, etc" You would write your own interpretation of the words in the form of a haiku. Like this:


Lies Lies Lies


a house made of glass

sharp shards raining down in pain

next time I'll use bricks


(© TDM 01/03/06)


A haiku is a non rhyming poem that has 5 syllables in the first line, 7 in the second and 5 again in the third line.


If you're interested leave a response here. You can even give this one a try. Traditional haiku's typically deal with the seasons, but it ain't as easy as it looks, lol so I just do the best I can. Sometimes we'd use established styles of poetry, many times just free verse in the individual's unique style.


If it's something folks would like to try, I'd be willing to start us off with themes. You generally have a week to write as many pieces following the theme as you want. Just an idea, you can let me know what you think. If enough people are interested and the mods don't mind, we can start it up. It would be really kewl to see some of the OB lore made into poetry fitting a certain theme. We'd even use picture themes, where poetry was written as an interpretation of the art. Lots of possibilities!

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Well Maharj, looks like it's you and me buddy :) If you wanna give it a go, try this one. We'll see how it goes and if anyone would like to join in. Anyone is welcome to try. Haiku writing as I say, is tricky. It cannot rhyme and must follow the style of


5 syllables

7 syllables

5 syllables


If you count the syllables in my Lies poem above, you'll see what I mean. Doesn't matter if it's not perfect or you go over or under a syllable, just jump in there and give it a try. If the concept takes off, it can be so much fun seeing what other people come up with, when all dealing with the same theme. So here it is: You'll have a week to come up with something. Put it here. Then next week I'll start another thread with the new theme. Good luck and have fun if you decide to try it :thumbsup:



Write a haiku about your love, hate, fascination, or conquest of the almighty Oblivion Gate!


Even I'll have to think on that one a bit, lol

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LOL @ Callighan! Right on!


@ Alex- well done, perfect to form and simple, yet important need expressed. Congrats on your first published piece!


To both of you- good job and thanks for jumping in! :thumbsup:

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Ok, here's my meager offering. And believe me, being no expert at haikus, it is meager, lol



Fire mixes with hate

Hope is fleeting, fear remains

Brave Hero save us...

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The Hell-gates galore:

Oblivion to abhore.

Its spikes are beds.


Ooo I got more.


Malicious garden:

Oblivion’s odor.

Death by spiddal stick.


Grit your teeth, hero

As the hall ceiling plunges and

grates your whole body.


Mesmerizing parts

of daedra he stands among.

He paints them art.

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