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Your Proudest Achievements in Skyrim?


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Out of all the things you've done in Skyrim, be it quest related or just some silly in game project/event you took time to put together (like bowling a dozen bandits off a cliff with shield charge) which are you most proud of?



For myself, it would have to be this: http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy281/Null_Mime/DSCN2558.jpg


also: http://i800.photobucket.com/albums/yy281/Null_Mime/DSCN2559.jpg



^That^ was back when I was playing on PS3 and decorating my hearthfire home. I spent over 5.5 hours dragging, dropping and adjusting those masks into place with my dual shock controller, but it was so worth it.

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And then the next time you enter the house, you find your masks are all over the floor. Good times with Havok...


I think my proudest achievement is something I'm actually aiming for in my current playthrough - actually unlocking every shout. All 81 words of power. As odd as it sounds, in 2000+ hours of play in the last two and a half years I've never unlocked all of them in one go. I'm getting close this time, but dragons are getting harder and harder to come by since I've defeated both Alduin and Miraak now.

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And then the next time you enter the house, you find your masks are all over the floor. Good times with Havok...


I think my proudest achievement is something I'm actually aiming for in my current playthrough - actually unlocking every shout. All 81 words of power. As odd as it sounds, in 2000+ hours of play in the last two and a half years I've never unlocked all of them in one go. I'm getting close this time, but dragons are getting harder and harder to come by since I've defeated both Alduin and Miraak now.


You can get your items to stay in place if you drop them, save, exit to the main menu and reload the save. Then you can place them where you want. Any items you dropped won't jump around when you re-enter the house. Played for another 40 hours on that save after that, and my masks stayed nice and neat in their case.

Edited by AgentChieftain
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Getting my first character through the entire main quest without dying. I don't really like that Skyrim has no "penalties" for death; you just reload and keep going. I decided to play "hardcore" and started over if my character died. Very frustrating at first; I must have restarted fifty times. But I learned what was important for my characters and how to play Skyrim in mortal fear for your life. It makes the game VERY nerve wracking and scary. That character was an archer (of course) and I remember skulking around Kolskeggr mine. Things were pretty difficult with the dual-wielding Forsworn who could drop my health to a tiny red speck with one furious attack. I was running around, drinking potions, hiding, leaving and coming back, poisoning every arrow, just having a really hard time. Finally, the mine seemed empty and I was looking for the "treasure". All of a sudden, the music started, a red dot showed up, and I turned to catch a Forsworn running around the corner at me. He was close enough to talk to and I got a glimpse of his name: Forsworn Briarheart. I swear I jumped in my chair. It was an all-out, shout, run, hide, life-or-death effort to get away from that guy. Long story short, that was one of the most intense moments in my Skyrim experience at the time. But, finally, after a long fight, I got him. I thought I had it all figured out after that experience, until I started fighting the dragon at Shearpoint and Krosis pops out of his coffin mid-way through the fight. Ah well, just another day in the precarious life of the Marathon running Dragonborn.

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Hah, hah! I remember that quest. "A Daedra's Best Friend." You either returned the axe to the daedra lord, Clavicus Vile. Or you took him up on his offer to keep the axe and planted it right between the dog's eyes. Either way, you got rid of the dog.


Also, the dog's name is Barbas. Maybe you were getting confused with Babette, the little girl vampire from the Dark Brotherhood?


Edit: Oh, I guess I should share my favorite moment.


Okay, there's this fort just Northwest of Wolfskull Cave (I forget the name.) I was walking up the road and ran into a party of four Thalmor Justicars traveling Eastward. Naturally, they told me to fob off or else. So I walked up to the fort to investigate, -and was promptly set upon by eight (yes, eight) bandits that came pouring out of the main gate. Now I could have taken them out, but then I remembered the Thalmor just down the road. So instead of fighting, I zig-zagged slowly back and forth, leading the bandits down the trail to the main road.


Sure enough, there were the Justicars still sauntering down the road. I ran right through them to a chorus of "Hey!", "Watch it" heavily pursued by a storm of bandit arrows and magic bolts. As one, the Thalmor turned on their heels and started firing lightning and arrows into the bandits. The bandits screeched to a stop and started a fighting withdrawal as the Justicars were truly pissed. I followed along behind, stopping to loot the occasional bandit corpse.


When the battle reached the fort entrance, more bandits took up position on the walls firing arrows down at the Thalmor. This caused a temporary halt to the Justicars advance. But then a patrol of Imperial soldiers showed up (attracted by the sounds of battle) and promptly joined the fight breaking the deadlock. Whistling happily, I followed the elves and soldiers into the fort, stopping to strip each corpse I encountered.


By the time the battle ended, only two Imperial soldiers limped out of the fort. All of the Thalmor and bandits were dead. I stripped the remaining corpses of weapons, armor and items, then proceeded to loot the fort. Since I've installed a mod that lets you make carrying bags, pouches and bandoliers on a tanning rack, I had plenty of carrying capacity and didn't have to leave anything behind.


Sure, I didn't get much combat XP, but I left the fort with over 2,000 gold worth of sell-able loot from the bodies alone (not counting what I looted from the fort.) Best of all, I got to off those stuck-up Justicars by simply leading them into overwhelming odds. Treasure and appropriate revenge. Ahhhh!

Edited by LeddBate
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One time, on PC of course, I run into a pair of dragons attacking Riverwood. I have Deadly combat, and Dragons, with the unleveler turned on. So now I'm level 8, two blood dragons in front of me, and I'm like, damn. But I remember, I had bought a freeze time power from another mod's vendor. So, as one dragon is about to breath fire on me from the air, and another from the roof of the RW Trader, I freeze time, pull out a bow, and send 50 arrows at each dragon. Unfreeze time, and boom, dead. It was awesome.

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One time, on PC of course, I run into a pair of dragons attacking Riverwood. I have Deadly combat, and Dragons, with the unleveler turned on. So now I'm level 8, two blood dragons in front of me, and I'm like, damn. But I remember, I had bought a freeze time power from another mod's vendor. So, as one dragon is about to breath fire on me from the air, and another from the roof of the RW Trader, I freeze time, pull out a bow, and send 50 arrows at each dragon. Unfreeze time, and boom, dead. It was awesome.

OK, that's pretty sweet, honestly.

My only super proud moment was when I made clam chowder once. Totally pointless, but damn if it didn't make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

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I think it would be a toss-up between:

  • Killing Mikrul skirmish-style with my bow without taking a single hit from that blade (LOVE those Quick Shot and Ranger perks from Archery).
  • Restoring the Thieves' Guild to prominence again and reaping the rewards of becoming the new Guild Master.
  • The first time that I fought and killed two dragons at once. The first dragon was a regular dragon, but partway through, a Blood Dragon joined the battle. There was also a Cave Bear involved as well. Lydia and I had the fight of our lives that day on that mountain in the Reach. The Blood Dragon went down first, then the regular dragon, with the bear being taken down last as a loose end. When it was all over, I was left saying "holy s#*!" over and over again.
  • Kicking Alduin's ass in Sovngarde. The final sequence of the main storyline is pure win all around, and it felt damn good to avenge everyone from Helgen and save the world.
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