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Oblivion: Video Game Promoting WITCHCRAFT, SATANISM, & POLYTHEISM


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The Elder Scrolls games do indeed promote a polytheistic mindset. People could argue about whether or not that is a bad thing, but it is my opinion that the games do get people thinking in that fashion. I would say that the game is most definitely not promoting the monotheistic Christian mindset, but people could argue about whether or not that is a bad thing.


The games do fantasize about witchcraft (spell-casting and magic usage) but if you look up the definition of magic, you will find that prayer is a form of magic. Magic, in the era before Tolkien and Dungeons and Dragons, was defined as obtaining power to do something supernatural, from a god or demon. If a prayer was not answered it would not be magic and would not be sinful. If the prayer was answered, other churchgoers could accuse you of witchcraft and magic use.


I think Morrowind was mainly anti-Satan worship, but Oblivion is somewhat pro-Satan worship. All of these daedric artifact quests where you make Faustian deals with devils to obtain powerful objects. But on the other hand, most players devote a great deal of their time to fighting the Satanic. They do things like kill daedra and conjurors, close Oblivion gates, and complete the main quest. My lawful good characters refuse to accept half of the quests in Oblivion. Azura's quest is about the only daedric artifact quest my righteous characters have done.


I do not have a problem with Oblivion and fantasy in general, but I can role-play my way into the mindset of the opposition.


I apologize if my comments have offended people.

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maybe it's an evil game: it crashes, stalls, slowdown and some more minor issues alot and brings machine's destruction feelings and thoughts when it does :)
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Ok i need to put my thoughts in on this. I am a reborn devote christian and I play oblivion. I do not go into the religious aspects of gaming. I play because its my choice. and the choices i make in the game have no bearing on what i do in my actual day to day life that site that was posted was stupid especially the whole part about the game not to mention the line about the NIV bible that made me laugh. I read my bible everyday and pray everyday and i play this game does that make me a satan worshipper? erm i think not. If people dont like a game they dont have to play it. its called freedom of choice. that site is a flaming joke and they will all get there just deserts in the end.
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"I should mention, it looks like a subliminal message to me, but in the picture I closed, do you see the flaming ring of fire? Those are called Oblivion Gates which are pathways to Hell. Just looking at that imagery of the ring makes me think of, well I don't want to be too graphic for this is a Christian message board, but put "flaming" and put "hole" together, and you will see what kind of agenda this is. Clearly, the homosexual lifestyle is a gateway to Hell, but unlike in this game, you can't come back from there once you go!"


This stuff is gold...

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ya they are rich, they so full of themselves to think them better than anyone else.



Pay no never-mind to those people they are a wolf in supposed sheeps clothing. nothing but a crappy pseudo sham. a shame to the christian religion as a whole.

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  • 1 month later...

i just found that site hilarious in general.


i just picture someone like the prophet ranting about how we're all gonna go to HELL if we don't pray everyday and come back to the light n all that...





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you mean it's not actual fundies? damn. here i was going on about how they give christianity and america a bad name...i mean, i love oblivion and would defend it's honor to the ends of the earth. here i was doing just that...and to think i didn't accomplish anything...rofl. still good times...
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