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Talk like a pirate day


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When I found out that it was talk like pirate day, I found out too late :(



The only piratey thing I managed was a conversation between a friend of mine and I


Him: Pirates code my arse

Me: Don't go all anal on me. Harrrr!




Lame I know.

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Why couldnt the boy go see the pirate movie? It was rated Arrrr...


Arr, that be a funny I heard a few years ago. If ye dont think that is funny, ye might just be pushed off the walking plank into the briny deep. Arrr.


By the way, ye landlubbers, have ye seen 'Down Parascope'? Tis a good'un.




I heard about National Talk Like A Pirate day and I only heard one person say one thing like a pirate day. How dissapointing. I must add me and Dark0ne to that dissapointing list. Shame shame shame.










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