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Those clouds look pretty cool, though my laptop would chuck a hissy fit if I tried to use them.


The main differences I see in those driving games are the lighting, hand/arm shape and head movement. Other than that, they all look pretty much the same. Of course, I'm not really into driving games, so I don't really know what to look for.




Whoa, you must have been playing a lot. I tried doing some of that event that's on now (Guard Captain Aveline is the reward) and I've only got a few hundred points (the bulk of the event goes from 8pm to 8am, when all us Aussies are sleeping) so I gave up on trying.


And thanks. Any improvements you could recommend?

Nah, I was level 10 or whatever when I started that day (Thursday I think) and played for an hour or so and the way it worked out I used all my battle energy stuff for the event and then did a quest to level up and just kept repeating. :laugh: I doubt I'd find anyone I could beat again.


And nope. It looks pretty good in game and I don't see anything that looks wrong.



Yep, that's the problem with that game! It gently eases you in... caresses you... then punches you in the face and says, "no, you will not have a good time unless you cough up some moneys!"

Still a fun game, though, when it's not being mean.


Cool, I think Magebane is completius then. :)

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Forza's weather is always sunny, Project cars and driveclub have dynamic lighting and natural looking nature effects. All of it 100% dynamic.

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Oh yeah, that's good. If I was racing in one of those games in the rain, it would be very hard for me to resist ramming other people. :tongue:


Also, I visited JCU today. It was a pretty cool university and it starts next week. My brain is in pain right now (lack of sleep) so hopefully I'm ready for study soon! There is the slightly annoying problem regarding subject clashes, so I'll just have to contact my coordinators tomorrow or something.



EDIT: And my sister deleted Heroes of Dragon Age from the iPad, so I've lost about 15+ hours of work. She's gone completely out of control in these last few weeks - absolutely snapped. I'm going to implore that she goes to boarding school because I'm sick of it.



EDIT 2: Okay, I've noticed that I'm complaining a lot on this thread, and I shall try my best to stop it. Therefore I'll probably be posting a lot less and I'll try to keep my discussions interesting.

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What do you do when you are booored and overwhelmed with a task of packing your insanely large movie collection. Duhhhh!!! its going to take awhile to keep things categorized.A

Also breaking news, i set a new possible record in Skyrim 300fps in doors, though with the mods i am using outside the fps drops below 60fps. that zombie mod is real taxing on the vram.



i am going to see if i can take a screenshot of it with the fps overlay in Skyrim, sometimes enb's don't like that. 300fps WOOW!!....

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Those clouds look pretty cool, though my laptop would chuck a hissy fit if I tried to use them.


Yep, that's the problem with that game! It gently eases you in... caresses you... then punches you in the face and says, "no, you will not have a good time unless you cough up some moneys!"

Still a fun game, though, when it's not being mean.

Actually I had those clouds just to see them when I re-installed Skyrim and they don't seem to have too much of a performance hit (it probably does but games run pretty bad already so I might not have noticed :tongue:). Suppose it could have changed but I doubt it, I think it said on the page no performance hit or something like that.


Yeah... All those people with greens and reds. At level 6. But yeah, still fun. :laugh:


I think I'm getting a headache.




Edit: I bought Rust the other day because my brother bought it and said it was "awesome blah blah blah" (turns out he couldn't even run it). So I start it up. It runs like crap on my laptop on the lowest settings. Then I get into the game... My god... The people who play it. I should have expected it knowing it was made by Facepunch (and it's a game on Steam), but it's like they managed to attract all the people who like to call people autistic or retarded or gay or throw a whole slew of other nasty comments at people for disagreeing with their point of view. Looking at the negative reviews 90% of the comments are people saying "Lol wtf noob u r f***in retarded" or "host ur own server then stupid" (these are probably a bit tame compared to some of the actual comments, and you can't even host your own server because Facepunch SELLS server files to providers so you have to rent them as far as I understand).

In game it's just as bad, even on non PvP servers. The people are rude. The game is... okay. But it doesn't really seem like anything special. It doesn't explain ANYTHING to you. And the fact that the game is just okay, and the community is horrid makes me wish I didn't waste money on it.

Just a warning, in case anyone considered buying it.



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I wanted to install a dual boot of Ubuntu, then I got reminded that my mouse won't work with it and I gave up.


Sigh, Linux, I want to love you I really do, but it just seems like you're heaving trouble expressing your emotions towards me, like you're pushing me away.

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I just gave Rust another chance, this time playing on an empty server. I managed to whack a tree a few times, then accidentally wandered into an area that was apparently radioactive and died. Then I whacked a deposit of sulfur after I respawned and was soon killed by a wolf. Then I respawned a third time, walked towards a hut, and was eaten by a wolf. I don't know if you can outrun them, but you can't kill them with what the game starts you with (a rock, a torch, and bandages). And it still runs like crap even after I lowered the resolution. Too much grass I guess.

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Woke up after sleeping under my desk last night. I don't even remember going to sleep. Had a pile of Wikipedia pages with arcane formulas on them open.



Your... Mouse won't work with Ubuntu? I can understand programs and such, but a mouse?

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