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The thermomotor turned 0.0 degrees F. at 7:00 PM MST.  Ever heard this way of describing the weather outside?  "It's cold as a witches teat in a bras bra".  

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@niphilim222There goes another excited gamer losing their excitement because they play on a Console.


Can't seem to break away gaming while having a PSN and PC.  Most likely you probably have an XBOX.   If he couldn't get a connection to it either console one day.  What would he do?!  Oh!  My!

Unless?  His PC is still available!?   That is; if the power company suddenly shuts down for an hour or two as well.  If he had an APC Uninterruptable Power Supply with Sine Wave control he could play on any of the three for a short time while the Power Company was busy fixing the problem.  

In the worst case scenario if they all were unusable until the Electric Company got the power back up and you with 2 or 3 game machines all without electrical power...
  With three game machines; two of them consoles; what to do?!  What to Do?!  What to do?!  


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PSN isn't just limited to the PlayStation console, PC games with multiplayer that get published by Sony require a PSN account. I know because Ghost of Tsushima Director's Cut requires a PSN account to access multiplayer but since I don't do multiplayer Sony can suck it, I'm not making one. The game is genuinely good though, I do recommend it, the combat does gets pretty repetitive after a while but the rest of the game is great, just avoid multiplayer and PSN.

Speaking of good games, I've been playing Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 over the weekend and I very much enjoyed it. It's fun, it runs silky smooth and I haven't encountered a single bug yet, I do suck at combat though so I gotta git gud. Surprisingly enough it also runs fine on my old gaming PC, I guess FX 8320 still has some fight left in it.

Anyway, it's almost 4 in the morning and I can't sleep so I guess I win.

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It's just past midnight today.  I decided to play the new expedition in No Man's Sky.  Titan Expedition 17.  I got to the first Rendezvous place.  When I looked at the last Save I was surprised to see the clock numbering for the save.  It looked like four eyes staring back at me.  00.00 AM.

The initials AM seemed to say, "Ahem! Man, it's midnight" go to bed.

I started to play Morrowind one Friday afternoon, taking necessary pauses to eat, drink, and get back into the game.  That game was the first that ever got me so caught up in it I lost track of time.  I was shocked when I saw the Sun coming up on Saturday.

Now-a-days if I start a game I get engrossed in it, it doesn't bother me a bit if I find I played all weekend only stopping for awhile to see if anyone else is up at 6:30 AM.

Hey!  I am retired.  When I have no chores, no one calls, I dive right in and it's fun.  It's kind of like having my second childhood for the billionth time.  🥰  

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What happens when my odor isn't checked by bathing once a month?  You got it, it gets too strong.


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